From the  Principal 

Karen Roberts

Dear Families,

I am writing to provide you with important updates regarding the Victorian Government Schools Agreement (VGSA) (2022) and the transition to the 38-hour work week for our dedicated teaching staff.

The VGSA is a milestone agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for our teachers. As part of this agreement, there has been a transition to a 38-hour work week to align with industry standards.


This change not only recognises the hard work and commitment of our teachers but also allows for a more sustainable and balanced workload. Our educators play a crucial role in shaping the future of our students, and this adjustment ensures they have the time and resources needed to continue delivering high-quality education.

One key implication of this transition is a shift in the landscape of school functions and activities to fit within the parameters of a 38-hour week.


 While this adjustment may bring changes to the scheduling of some events, please be assured that we are committed to maintaining a vibrant and engaging school calendar. 

Our aim is to streamline and optimise our activities and opportunities to ensure they align with the new work hours while continuing to provide valuable experiences for our students.

The Department of Education allocates funds to support teachers’ participation in school camps. Other activities/opportunities are managed at a local school level. 


As we continue with this transition, your understanding and support are paramount. We are confident that these changes will enhance the overall well-being of our teaching staff. Expectations might need to be reconsidered to ensure we are meeting the requirements of the agreement.


In continuing to implement the VGSA, 38 hour week, staff have reviewed activities and learning opportunities we offer our students. 

Last year we began the transition to daytime activities in line with the agreement. The year 6 graduation was held during the day, our students had a ceremony, lunch and time for a dance before heading home. Families were able to attend the daytime ceremony. The same timing will again occur in 2024.


Working Bees were moved to late afternoons rather than weekends and we appreciate those parents and carers who were able to come along and make contributions to our buildings and grounds.

In 2024, the prep picnic is taking place during the school day. Prep families will soon receive information about this special event that allows families to come together and get to know each other. 


Further details about the concert/music festival will be shared once plans are finalised.

We will endeavour to share information about these events in advance to help with your planning.


Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to create an environment that fosters excellence in education while prioritising the well-being of our teachers.



Kind Regards,

Karen Roberts