Year 3/4 

Celebrating Learning

Congratulations to our Year 3 students on completing NAPLAN testing! We are proud of your perseverance and resilience. Year 4 students completed a unit on reviewing different kinds of texts. Some of their responses are shown in the photos.


Curriculum focus


In Mathematics, students have been consolidating their understanding of place value and becoming familiar with the new maths instructional model of launchexploresummarise and reflect. The explore phase of the lesson is especially important as it provides students time to engage with the task for themselves at the beginning of the lesson before being told what to do! This develops their problem-solving and reasoning skills, which are becoming so important in the world today, and into the future. 


Students understand that feeling out of their comfort zone is to be expected, so they are developing the skills required to dig themselves out of the learning pit!


In Writing, students are developing their independence in the writing process through selecting their own topics and text types. They’re continuing to practise their skills while following the Writer’s Process of seeding, planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.


In Reading, we have continued developing our understanding of thick and thin questions. Students have been encouraged to use ideas from the text to wonder about the world around them as examples of “thick” questions that really make you think. 

In Year 3 and 4, we recommend that students are reading at home for at least 15 minutes a day to build their literacy skills. 


In Unit Focus, our learning about First Contact between Indigenous People and colonists has seen students create two drawings. The first showed their imagining of an area pre-colonisation, with the second showing that same place after the arrival of white people, and the corresponding changes. They have annotated their illustrations with writing about what makes Country healthy, and what makes it sick.