Foundation A 

Celebrating Learning

Prep A have added /a/, /p/ and /t/ to our grapheme knowledge. The introduction of our first vowel means that students can now encode and decode simple CVC words! The Sound Box continues to be a highlight each week when a new grapheme is launched. Have a go at guessing the grapheme from the following items: peg, pony, pin, pear, penguin, pan, pumpkin, paintbrush, pink paper, purple pencil, pen….?


In maths, we have been exploring 2D shapes, beginning outside where students created shapes with sticks. This has continued in our classroom where we have been exploring shapes in art and the world around us and creating art through shape. 


Play-based learning continues in the farm and playground at the beginning of each day with students engaged in their specific areas of interest: builders/engineers, potions/cafes, small world play, and our expert gardeners. Our gardeners have been working together to share their knowledge and love of plants by exploring, discussing, considering, selecting and then potting and propagating incredible worlds.


PMP continues to surprise and challenge students each week as the activities rotate. This runs on Wednesday mornings from 9:30am, in the multi-purpose room.