
From the Admin team
Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm
Gates Locked / Opened: 9:15am / 3:15pm
Family Payments
Thank you to all of those families who have settled their extra-curricular payments so far. Steiner Family statements will be sent home next week. If you have not yet finalised your family account, or initiated instalment plan/s, we would appreciate it if you could please give this your prompt attention. Payments can be made by credit or debit card, BPay or cash. Payments can be made in full or in instalments, please contact the office if you would like to set up a payment plan that differs from what is available on Compass. If you are unsure of your payments status, feel free to contact us.
Students Arriving Late:
Please sign your child/ren in on the Compass Kiosk and ask a staff member to escort them to class if required.
Students Leaving Early:
Please send a note to your child/ren’s teacher in the morning to let them know and give an approximate time when you will be collecting them. To make it easier for staff, and your child/ren, please do not come to collect them during outside play times.
For the safety of all at our school, all parents/carers and visitors must sign in on the Compass Kiosk and obtain a Visitor Pass to enter school buildings and grounds. Wearing a pass means staff know immediately that you are an authorised visitor.
As well as this, we recommend that all visitors ensure they have a Working With Children Check (WWC). These are free for volunteers. Applications can be made through the Victorian Department of Justice.
Students not collected at the end of the day:
If you are late picking your child/ren up, they may wait at the office up until 3:45pm. We are unable to supervise them after this time. We recommend that you register with the out of school care program, TeamKids, so that in an emergency, they can be properly cared for.
TeamKids Contact: Tyne Email -
Thornbury Primary School uses the Compass platform for almost all of our communications. If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing or using Compass, please drop by the office so we can help you.
Dogs at school
A reminder to please not bring your dog/s into the school grounds.
Kind regards,
Kristie, Jasmine and Shirley