Language and Culture

Kii, Deadly TPS community, biladu-njan wat/how are you all? And in the words of my Yawuru language...Ngaji gurrjin/Hello everyone!
I have included translations with the audio recordings if families would like to learn and practise some of what the students are learning in Language and Culture Classes. Listen to the students and have a go yourselves!
Students in the Foundation classes have continued learning our Greeting Song and Birthday Song, how to respond with Marrambik magalu!/I am here! during roll call, and how to answer ngayi/yes and dhagung/no when playing our Who Am I animal game, as well as learning about some of the Woiwurrung animal names we use as Class Totems. Students have been learning and practising how to request drink and toilet breaks in Woiwurrung. Foundation students are now singing the Greeting Song on their own! The two recordings are of the FS students singing with me and then two weeks later, on their own!
Wominjeka! Wominjeka! Welcome! Welcome!
Biladu-njan warr? How are you?
Biladu-njan warr? How are you?
Marramb-ik burndap! I am good!
Marramb-ik burndap! I am good!
Biladu-njan warr? How are you?
Biladu-njan warr? How are you?
Foundation students have also been learning about the significance and meaning of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. We read a big book called ‘Let’s Learn About The Torres Strait Islanders’ to help the students learn a little about the amazing people from the Torres Strait Islands and to provide some context for their flag.
The Woiwurrung language focus for grades 1-6 has continued to be on learning/reviewing Woiwurrung numbers, people nouns and simple conversational sentences we can use to introduce ourselves, as well as to ask and answer questions about ourselves, our friends and family members. A big focus has been on developing fluency and voice projection in our conversational language - the students are doing exceptionally well with this in our class greetings.
Kii everyone! Hello everyone!
Kii Aunty Terri! Hello Aunty Terri!
Burndap yirram-barring! Good morning!
Burndap yirram barring Aunty Terri! Good morning Aunty Terri!
Biladunjan wat? How are you (all)?
Marrambik burndap, ngoongodjin Auny Terri! Biladunjan warr?
I’m good, thank you Aunty Terri! How are you?
Marrambik burndap, ngoongodjin 1/2C, beautiful bold barrawarn!
I’m good, thank you 1/2C, beautiful bold magpies!
Ganbu 1
Bindjirru 2
Bindjirru ganbu 3
Bindjirru ba bindjirru 4
Marnang 5
Marnang ganbu 6
Marnarng bindjirru 7
Marnang bindjirru ganbu 8
Marnang bindjirru ba bindjirru 9
Marnang marnang 10
(Can you work out the use and pattern of the three Woiwurrung number words ganbu, bindjirru and marnang used in the song. This numbering of 1-10 was invented in recent years and is not how Wurundjeri Woiwurrung people used counting in traditional daily life.)
Kii! Hello!
Narrinik… My name is…
Marrambik… I am…(age in Woiwurrung)
Students in 3-6 also reviewed what we have learned in previous years about the Wurundjeri season Winmali Ngalabun Gurnung - Hot North Wind and Fish Trap Season. We were very excited to receive our new ipads and to use them to play fun and exciting Kahoot! Quiz games based on what we have been learning.
LOTE 1-4
Stay tuned in to our Dhumbadjirri newsletters for more information about what students are learning in our Language and Culture classes.
Twaganin (Woiwurrung) Galia (Yawuru) / See you later!