Year 4 Steiner 

Celebrating Learning

Creating Local Area Artwork


As we have continued our Main Lesson around the local area, we have begun to study different plants and birds that live in the area. Hopefully the students have started taking note of the wildlife around them and their homes, this will be enhanced with a small local walk around the area to look at nature along the way next Wednesday.


Meanwhile we have also been preparing our orientation skills to give directions to others, with the class four students planning maps for the class one students. Also, we have completed another lovely painting, this time of a bird in a tree. Below are some images of our most recent paintings and some thoughts about our Main Lesson from the students.


Leo says “I like the drawing and sketches we do in class, and it was lots of fun creating a map for the class one students.”

Ila says “I like how we weren't stuck in the room all the time for this Main Lesson and got to go outside.”

Ambrose says “I think the really enjoyable part is mapping out certain areas of our school and making shapes for specific landmarks on my map.”

Penny says “While we were observing nature for Main Lesson I liked drawing the birds and plants. It was really fun to draw all of the details. It has been my favourite part of Main lesson so far this year.”

Jethro says “I loved when we drew the magpies for short amounts of time at the park. I loved mapping out the classroom and school as well.”