Food Technology

At Mackellar Primary School we continue to use Design Technologies, Food Studies and Nutrition for the basis of our learning in Food Technology classes using the Victorian curriculum. The Food Studies and Nutrition part of our learning aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students can become critical learners. 


During our sessions, senior students have had the opportunity to use their understandings and apply their knowledge and preferences for flavours and spices. They have explored and been challenged with cooking with chicken when making a Banh Mi and Vietnamese salad bowl, using vegetables sourced from our school garden that were harvested by the Gardening club students. The weather has not been kind to the garden, however the last of the capsicum were well received in the grade 3 stir fries. 


All classes send vegetable cuttings back to the chickens, which are always eagerly received. Both the grade 5 and 6 students made the comparison between sports drinks and water infused with fruit.


The grades 3 and 4 have been completing the five food groups series, applying their understanding of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating that underpins our learning. They will investigate cultural food in the coming months. 


After the initial smoothies and salad sandwiches and wraps, the grade 1’s and 2’s investigated “I can eat a whole plant” referring their prior knowledge of  stems, flowers, seeds, leaves and roots of a plant.


Once there was a break in the hot weather, the grade preps were able to make 

a chocolate muffin using the Mackellar ‘No Fail’ recipe.


Sally Wilson 

Food Technology