What's Happening in Preps

What a fantastic start to the school year the preps have had! They have been so busy with learning and settling into classroom and school routines.


In English, students have been introduced to most of the letters of the alphabet. During reading, we have been using the text ‘Milo’s Birthday Surprise!’ to identify the different letters of the alphabet and the corresponding sounds that they make. In writing, students have been working hard on their pencil grip and control when forming letters from the correct starting points. They have also been encouraged to have a go at writing their names as well as familiar letters and words.


In Mathematics, students have been learning all about numbers 1 to 10. Using a wide range of concrete materials, such as numeral cards, dice, counters and tens frames, students have been counting collections up to 10 and identifying and modelling different numbers.


Students have also been involved in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, with a focus on using prepositional vocabulary. Terms such as behind, next to, between, under, in front of and beside have been used by students when describing their location and position.

Part of our daily morning routine involves students practising the days of the week and identifying what day it is today, what day it was yesterday and what day it will be tomorrow. Using our weather chart, we also discuss and describe the temperature and weather. Finally, using our daily schedule, students discuss what we have on for the day, and are beginning to connect the days of the week with familiar events.


As new members to our school, the preps have been learning about Mackellar’s four school values: Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork. We have been discussing each of the values in detail using our School Wide Positive Behaviours chart and students have been modelling and practising correct behaviours in various settings throughout the school. Buzz Awards have been given out frequently when students are caught demonstrating one of our school values, with many students having spun our class rewards wheel already!


Elyse Burgess

Kerrie Elsbury 

Stephanie Sousa