2024 School Council & The Fathering Project

Dear Parents, 

Last Wednesday, I had the absolute pleasure of being the representative father for Mackellar Primary School dads at our Fathering Project event.  Listening to Rodney Eade speak about the importance of dads in their child/ren's education being so important, and as a father of four myself,  meant so much. And to have so many people attend obviously meant there are many in our community who feel the same. This is hopefully the first of many Fathering Project evets we will hold here at Mackellar Primary School, and I encourage any fathers, or father figures who want to be involved in helping organise these to please contact me or the school.  We would love to have a group of likeminded people taking this work further. 


You may find more information about The Fathering Project or sign up for their great newsletter at https://thefatheringproject.org/subscribe/

Paper plane activity - a friendly contest!

Our call for school council nominations was very successful with all positions being filled which is fantastic.  We welcome Giovanna Tesoriero back to council having served so successfully last year, as well as welcoming some new faces which is always refreshing. For the 2024 school year, we welcome Krystal Tassos, Elizabeth Reffke and Connie Scarfo to school council each of whom I am sure will make such a valuable contribution. We also welcome Kylie Kennedy to council as the newest staff representative replacing Anthony Michielin who left Mackellar at the end of last year.




Vince Scarfo

School Council President