Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

 Students of the Week

Monday 26th February & 4th March 



NameGradeCongratulations to the following students for:
Jasin06Bbeing a great team member and completing a high quality product in Food Technology.
Meesam06Aworking with others cooperatively on all tasks, ensuring a positive classroom environment and demonstrating the value of Team Work. Well done. 
Tanner01Balways doing your tasks on time, helping out your friends when they need it, and being a great team player!
Lucian01Aalways encouraging his teammates and being such a great team player in P.E. Well done Lucian!
Elias02Bdemonstrating excellent teamwork when collaborating with peers. Elias is always ready to lend a helping hand. Keep up the great work!
Kailey03Bshowing teamwork by working well together with her peers and contributing to classroom discussions. Well done Kailey!
Alexander03Aworking collaboratively with his peers and sharing his ideas to create a poster to display their learning. Well done Alexander.
Erol06Bworking collaboratively with his peers to brainstorm ways to resolve conflict during our SWPBS session and contributing to class discussions.   Keep up the great work Erol!
Benjamin05Bbeing an upbeat, helpful and supportive member of our 5B learning community. You are a great friend and passionate learner who always brings a positive attitude to school. Thank you for displaying such great teamwork so far this year!
Arianna00Ashowing amazing teamwork skills when working in small groups, by taking turns and sharing the resources with your peers. Congratulations and very well done Arianna!
Eden-Breeze02Ademonstrating an enthusiastic attitude to teamwork and working cooperatively with her peers. Keep up the great work Eden-Breeze!
Stella04Bbeing a collaborative member of the class and showing support, concern and helping her peers to problem solve and adapt to different learning situations. Congratulations Stella! 
Katie04Bdemonstrating the value of teamwork by collaborating with her peers and always offering her assistance, understandings and giving positive feedback. Congratulations Katie! 
Jesse05AJesse continues to impress with his concern and helpfulness for his classmates. When the need arises, he aids those around him with eagerness and care. Awesome effort!
Arianna00Alistening to what others have to say and helping our classmates. Brava Arianna!
Alara00Balways showing the school value of teamwork by working well together with others in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work Alara! 
Lj05Asharing his skills and knowledge with others, in a positive and supportive way. Congratulations Lj
Madison04Ashowing the value of Teamwork by supporting her peers and working collaboratively. Well done Madison!


NameGradeCongratulations to the following students for:
KAREPA Sass01Bbeing actively involved in all her learning experiences and always trying her best. Great work Sass!
PHAM Dylan01Abeing a responsible class member and having a positive attitude towards his learning. Dylan is a pleasure to share the day with.
MITIC Petar00Ashowing amazing commitment to his learning during numeracy by counting all numbers in the correct sequence to 10 and accurately modelling numbers to 5. Keep up the excellent work! Well Done Petar.



05Bfor consistent effort and progress in his exposition writing. Thank you for always bringing a growth mindset to your learning.
STOJANOSKI Sophia00Balways putting maximum effort into all her work. You never give up and always try your best. Keep up the amazing work Sophia! 
SYEDA Inaya02Bcreating an outstanding procedural text on How to make popcorn. You demonstrated fabulous visual literacy to support your text. Thank you for taking pride in your learning!
RICHER Faith06Bmaintaining a positive attitude to learning during Numeracy by persevering when learning about square numbers and prime and composite numbers.   Keep up the great effort Faith!
NGATEINA Summer06Ausing a growth mindset in Mathematics as she worked to understand Prime and Composite numbers, factors and square numbers. Well done Summer. 
AYWAZ Alex02Aquickly becoming a confident and knowledgeable member of class in Food Technology, using initiative and curiosity in our sessions.
BATTH Tejbir03BTejbir continuously displays a desire to learn and share his knowledge with others in the class. It's great to see such a positive attitude to learning.
FAGA Lj05AIt has been an absolute pleasure watching LJ's willingness and excitement to learn new skills in Performing Arts this term. Such enthusiasm is admirable.
SPENCER Ellie03Aconsistently demonstrating a diligent work ethic and believing that she can always improve her work. Keep up the great effort Ellie!
KAPOOR Amaira03Bshowing the value of learning by completing set literacy and numeracy tasks with a positive mindset. 
KADDAH Serene02Ademonstrating enthusiasm when sharing your knowledge of spelling strategies as you identified digraphs and trigraphs in our spelling words. Well done Serene, keep up the great learning! 
GERCOVICH Levi04Bstriving to achieve your best and always taking pride in the work that you present. Your homework tasks were presented with great thought, detail and creativity. Congratulations Levi! 
HALILOVIC Emin04Ademonstrating the value of learning by problem solving and challenging himself when working on renaming numbers during numeracy sessions. Great job Emin!
KAREPA Righteous05Awriting an excellent exposition on 'The School Canteen Should Sell Chocolate,' and sharing his text with the grade. Congratulations Righteous!



Monday 26th February & 4th March




Monday 26th February& 4th March