Performing Arts

Music Matters

Updated Performing Arts and Private Music Tuition information on Clipboard: Clipboard now addresses the requirements of Private Tuition and Performing Arts involvement including:

  • Lesson costings
  • What to do if your child is absent
  • Instrument Loan Hire information terms and costings
  • Cancellation policy

Recent enrolments: If you have recently enrolled (i.e. in the past week) your son for either Private Music Tuition lessons and/or in the ensembles program, could you please let us know via the Performing Arts department email: as we don’t receive notifications of new enrolments and want to ensure that no one gets missed.


Music Ensemble rehearsals are now well under way, with most ensembles now rehearsing busily for performances or ‘open rehearsals’ at Open Day. Information regarding Open Day performance times and venues will be made available in next week’s Woodchatta. 

Should your son be interested in joining a particular ensemble, he is welcome to come and try it out during the advertised rehearsal time. The Ensemble Director will then be able to determine if that ensemble is the best fit for him. Ensemble enrolment is via Clipboard, where you can select the ensemble of interest, and the Ensemble Director will place your son in the relevant ensemble. 

Live Music Production Crew: this is a new ensemble which focuses on developing students’ skills in lighting and sound production, along with stage management skills and is open to all students from Years 7 – 12. The crew will meet with Mr Jones every Thursday afternoon from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm with the ultimate goal of setting up and providing awesome lighting and mixing fabulous sound for our concerts and drama productions. If your son would like to come and try it out, please get him to meet Mr Jones outside the music classroom at 3:30 pm on Thursday. 


Private Tuition: most students have now commenced their lessons with their tutor, with the exception of some students who have only recently enrolled. These students will be contacted ASAP for lessons. 


Singing lessons: We are excited to be able to provide private singing lessons this year. This helps with your son’s confidence, breath control, pitch and is great fun! Please sign up through Clipboard.


Instrument Hire: For those students who have hired an instrument, a loan agreement will soon be sent home for signing and returning to the school. The terms of the loan agreement are now outlined on Clipboard. 


PAPA meeting: Thank you to the PAPA committee for their creative energy and abundance of ideas floated in our meeting last night. The comedy fundraiser in support of our SPX Performing Arts is on 4 May in the College gym and promises to be a fantastic night of laughs and community cheer! Save the date now!

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts


Senior & Intermediate Drama Ensembles are continuing their work with outside tutor Daniel Cordeaux. Students are reminded this is an exciting 6-week program not to be missed!

Ms Penny Lindley - Leader of Learning - Drama

Mrs Sylvia Ulevik - PAPA President