From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Maintaining High Standards and Expectations - Quality of work
  • EREA School Renewal Process
  • Junior and Senior Swimming Carnivals
  • Hosting the 39th Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular Program
  • Principal's Award


First Sunday of Lent (Year B)


The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. 

 Mark 1:12–13


In the Gospel reading on Sunday, Jesus was driven into the desert for forty days and during this time he was consistently tempted.  What’s interesting to note is that it was “The Spirit” who drove Jesus into the desert. Jesus did not go there against His will; He went there freely in accord with the will of the Father and by the direction of the Holy Spirit. 

Why would the Spirit drive Jesus into the desert for this time of fasting, prayer and temptation?

The truth is that when we choose to follow Christ and live out our baptism, we receive a new strength to do good and make positive decisions.  Jesus, therefore, set for us an example in order to teach us this truth.  We are constantly faced with things that tempt us, but it is our faith in Jesus knowing that we are not alone but guided by Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


What is the greatest temptation you face in life? It could be grappling with a recurring pattern of wrongdoing, such as struggling with anger, self-righteousness, dishonesty, or another challenge. Regardless of the specific temptation, remember that you possess the strength to overcome it, thanks to the grace given upon you through your Baptism, encouraged by your Confirmation, and continually nourished by your participation in the Most Holy Eucharist.


Take a moment today to contemplate your own temptations. Imagine Christ standing alongside you, facing those temptations together. Trust in His unwavering strength and draw confidence from His presence within you


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!


Maintaining High Standards and Expectations

Quality of work and having pride in your work

Following up from last week, I conducted several classroom visits throughout the week to assist our staff in upholding the high standards and meeting the expectations set by the College.

During these visits, I carefully reviewed the diaries of three homerooms to assess whether students were adhering to the guidelines outlined by Mr Gillogly in last week's Woodchatta. To my dismay, out of the 60-plus students, only one had correctly completed their diary. This outcome fell short of my expectations. I expressed my disappointment to the students and informed them of my intention to return next week for a follow-up. Additionally, I shared a small-scale study I conducted a couple of years ago, focusing on a specific Year 9 class. The study revealed that students who consistently and accurately completed their diaries tended to achieve better overall results. These students demonstrated greater organisation and readiness for their classes. With your support, I am confident that upon my return next week, we will witness significant improvement in diary completion, with the expectation of each line for every subject being met exceptionally. In the long run, this commitment to diary completion should contribute to improved academic outcomes for these students.

Similarly, I visited several other classes to evaluate the quality of work being produced. Once again, I found myself disappointed. While a considerable number of students had completed their assignments, many seemed to lack pride in their work. Whether it was evident in their presentation or in ensuring all tasks were thoroughly completed, it's imperative for all students to take ownership of their academic responsibilities and approach their work with pride, striving to deliver their best effort. While the ultimate measure of success is reflected in HSC results, it's the diligence and dedication demonstrated in their daily work, now, that lays the foundation for strong work habits. By instilling a sense of pride in their work and themselves, we can guide our young men toward becoming the best versions of themselves.

EREA School Renewal Process

As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, St Pius X College embraces the four guiding Touchstones of the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Charter. The Touchstones perpetuate the legacy of Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers, and capture the character and culture of all EREA schools.


Every five years EREA schools are required to undergo a detailed process of ‘Renewal’. This School Renewal Process provides our college community an opportunity to reflect on how the EREA Charter and its Touchstones are evident and evolving within the life of our college. St Pius X College last undertook a School Renewal in 2016.


The EREA School Renewal Process: 

  • Presents a structure for accountability to the Church, the Christian Brothers and EREA about the Catholicity and expression of the charism in the schools. 
  • Acts as a reporting methodology to the EREA Council. 
  • Offers a strategic opportunity for each EREA School to capture meaningful information which contributes to future planning and improvement. 
  • Reflects the strategic growth of EREA schools. 
  • Seeks to build a stronger collaboration with leadership teams and middle leaders, students, and the community in identifying and analysing commendations and recommendations. 

In Term 1 2024, St Pius X College will be undertaking the EREA School Renewal Process, culminating in a three-day onsite visit by the EREA School Renewal Team (SRT) from the 20 - 22 March. The site visit involves the SRT conducting focus group sessions with staff, students, parents & carers, and members of the broader St Pius X Community to gather valuable insights. 

As part of the preparations for the Renewal Process, I have collaborated with the College Leadership Team to compose the ‘Principal’s Report’ detailing the school's context, achievements since the last EREA Renewal and the key challenges facing the college.

Additionally, over the coming fortnight teaching staff and students will complete an online Charter Survey. The purpose of the Charter Survey is to invite a broad range of students and staff to contribute their voice to the School Renewal Process.  In capturing this commentary, it is hoped that the Renewal process models an important principle of EREA’s strategic direction “...ensuring that student voice underpins our educational vision”.

The quantitative data collected from this survey together with the ‘Principal’s Report’, and qualitative data gathered from focus groups will be triangulated to create the School Renewal Report

St Pius X College welcomes the EREA School Renewal process, viewing it as an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the College while also identifying areas for growth that will help inform the College's next Strategic Plan. 

We look forward to keeping the Community well informed throughout the process. 

Junior and Senior Swimming Carnivals

I extend my gratitude to both the staff and students for their exemplary participation in either the Junior or Senior swimming carnivals. The level of engagement from all the students was truly commendable. The spirited chanting and support displayed by the students for their respective Houses showcased exceptional House Spirit. Special thanks to Mr Stearn for his excellent organisation of the event. I offer heartfelt congratulations to Patrick Marren, House Captain, and Mr Jonathan Dawson, House Patron, for leading Treacy House to victory and securing the Swimming Trophy. Additionally, I applaud all our Age Champions, with a special mention to Nick Gladen for breaking numerous records during the carnival.

Hosting the 39th Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival

On Saturday 24 February, St Pius X College will proudly host the 39th Annual Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival. This cherished tradition of friendly competition among fellow Edmund Rice schools continues to be a highlight of our College calendar. I extend my best wishes to all our swimmers as they prepare for the carnival. As the reigning holders of the Senior Trophy, I eagerly anticipate sharing further success stories with you next week. A heartfelt thank you to all the staff and students who will assist us in organising and hosting this event. Go Pius!

Advance Notice:  OPEN DAY - SATURDAY 16 MARCH

The College OPEN DAY is on Saturday, 16 March. The Chatswood campus will be open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8.00 am to 12:00 pm.  

Tour bookings are essential via the college website.

The College will continue with online booking arrangements so that families can book a tour of the College.  The College will have several sessions that families can book to visit the College. All tours will be provided with an information session that will include the Principal’s Address. 

Communication regarding the need for student helpers will be conveyed to students today. Our student guides play a vital role in promoting the college. If your son is available to support the school, please encourage him to register.

Please see the college website for session times.  Principal's Addresses will be at 10:00 am, 11:30 am and 1:00 pm. 

The link to book a tour is on the College website and is also found below.

Enrolments for Year 5 and 7 2026 will open on Friday 1 March.  Applications will be available on the college website.

Looking forward to seeing many new and existing families at Open Day.

Key Dates

Friday 23 FebruaryYear 5 Formation Day at Oxford Falls campus
Saturday 24 February39th Annual Christian Brothers Carnival hosted by St Pius X College at Ryde Aquatic Centre
Monday 26 February

EREA NSW Student Leaders Gathering at Oxford Falls campus

P&F Meeting 7:00 pm

Tuesday 27 February8:00 am Pius and Mercy Chapel Mass (at Mercy) / Staff Meeting 3:20 pm
Wednesday 28 FebruaryChinese New Year Celebration Assembly
Friday 1 MarchYear 11 Study Day #1 / CSDA Public Speaking

Cocurricular Program

This week marks the final round of the regular ISA Basketball and Cricket season. While many teams have already secured spots in the finals, some teams require a strong victory this week to ensure their place. Best wishes to all teams as they compete. 

In the IPSHA (Junior Sport) competition, Round 3 is underway, with students displaying a positive attitude and participation. Let's continue to foster the great school spirit. Additionally, the NSTA (Tennis) and NSW Pennants squash teams continue their competitions, and like in other sports, students have demonstrated excellence in applying their skills. May all our students perform to the best of their abilities, and here's hoping for some victories along the way.

Principal's Award 

Congratulations to Esteban Leon-Curran in Year 8 who was presented a Principal's Award at Assembly this week for his work throughout Year 7 in 2023.

Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal