P&F News 

  • Term 1 P&F Meeting
  • P&F Cocktail Party
  • Open Day

Term 1 P&F Meeting

Monday 26 February at 7:00 pm

The P&F Meeting will be held at the college on Monday 26 February, commencing at 7:00 pm.  

It will be held in C Wing in Room C1, and also on Teams.  

Everyone is welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing many of you there in person and online.  


Please see the agenda for the meeting below.

P&F Cocktail Party 

Friday 8 March at 7:00 pm

A highlight of the St Pius X social calendar and an excellent way to make new friends and catch up with old ones. The caterers are booked and the playlist is being put together.  This event sells out in days so click here to book your tickets asap! 




Open Day 

Saturday 16 March   - BBQ Helpers needed.

We need volunteers to cook the P&F BBQ for prospective parents on Open Day. It’s a great way to spend an hour, especially if your boys are giving tours.  Come jump on the BBQ and have a chat to other parents.


SPX 2024 Open Day Helpers.xlsx

SPX 2024 Open Day Helpers - Oxford falls.xlsx

Mr Eoin Geaney - P&F President
