Principal's Report

Mr Jim Hill


Nowruz Mobarak to all our DPS Persian Families who are celebrating Persian New Year starting March 20th! May you and your families enjoy happiness, health and prosperity in the New Year!



Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslim families in the DPS community! We wish you a happy, safe and peaceful month!




Well done to our amazing students on their best effort in the NAPLAN testing. We know we have lots of very bright students here at DPS and we look forward to receiving their results because we will recognise and celebrate them. We made a big effort to ensure the NAPLAN process was as less stressful as possible by employing a quiet and calm approach. It is important to understand that NAPLAN is only one form of assessment, it is not the be all and end all. That said, it is the assessment data the department and even the media seem to put so much focus on. There are many forms of assessment that give a true picture of where each student is at in their learning. NAPLAN is important but, as I said, it is only one form of assessment.



Due to our increasing numbers we have employed another part time teacher in Level 6. Mrs. Corfios has been working on several administrative duties and this is no longer possible within the three days she was not teaching. A decision has been made for her to be relieved of teaching duties.

Welcome Yeodi Grujic to Level 6 who will be teaching 6S on Monday and Tuesday each week. We have also recently appointed Amy Westmoreland who will be teaching a specialist role in LOTE, PE and Science.  Due to increased numbers, one teacher can't fit all classes into one week. Mrs. Su will continue teaching LOTE, Mr. Spinks will continue PE and Mr. O'Callaghan will continue his Science program while Ms. Westmoreland supporting these subject areas by taking extra classes.



Many thanks for these enquiries and nominations received. The School Concil election process closed on March 6th, 2024 and I am pleased to say that all vacancies have been filled. Your councillors for the next year area as follows:


Newly elected for two years; 

Fia Moraitis, Jim Fang, Nadiah Smith, Jeff Fang. 

Elected for one year to replace a departing member:  Aurella Gonsillana.

Continuing councillors: Deepak Ganga, Kelvin Wong, Krystle Day.

DET/DPS Staff councillors: Carly Epskamp, Niky Corfios, Natalie Pike and myself (Jim Hill).


I would like to once again thank departng members, Andrea Sergi and Rajiib Chowdhury for their time, committment and support during their time on council.


At the Annual General Meeting office bearers will be elected and I look forward to working with this fine group of people. Together we will oversee decisions as we guide DPS into the future.



The senior basketball court is being resurfaced and is nearing completion. Students will enjoy this improvement once it has been finished.


DPS is YOUR School

Please always remember that DPS is YOUR school. Our aim is to work with you, as parents and carers to support the education of all students. Some parents enjoy being actively involved in the daily life of the school which is great. Others join activities and may volunteer from time to time and, some have busy lives and can't commit their time which is fine too. Whether you are actively involved on a regular basis, or only once in a while, we appreciate your involvement. 

As, some people have very busy lives as they juggle work, kids, sport and everything else, so we dont "expect" you to be involved unless you have the time or inclination. My message is that you are welcome to be involved as much or as little as you choose. Remember our door is always open. 


Our Parents and Friends Group are having the first meeting for 2024 on March 22 at 9.15am in the staffroom. If interested please come along and you will meet some of our parents. This doesn't mean you will have to sign your life away. You can choose to participate in all of the events organised by the Parent group or none at all. This can be a social interaction, a way of meeting other parents in a very relaxed atmosphere.



Please be sure to check the coming dates so you keep up to date with what is happening at DPS.

Term1 - 2024 
Fathering Project EventFriday 22nd March
Prep Teddy Bears PicnicFriday 22nd March
JSC  Sausage SizzleFriday 22nd March
Summer Interschool SportWednesday 27th February
Junior School Easter Bonnet ParadeThursday 28th March
Last Day Term 1 early dismissal at 2:15pm Thursday 28th March
Term 2 StartsMonday 15th April
Level 6 Canberra CampMonday 22nd April
ANZAC DAYThursday 25th April
School Photos - Leading ImageWednesday 1st May



Jim Hill
