Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) – Update

Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) – Update
The Grade Threes and Fives have been working diligently to develop their skills in Reading this term. The focus has been on improving reading comprehension and preparing students for assessments such as Naplan. We also had one Grade Five Numeracy Group.
The students have been strengthening their comprehension strategies. We have worked through some Naplan Practise Tests with an emphasis on reading the text completely, reading the questions carefully and identifying any key words, and finding evidence in the text to support our answer. We have also read a range of other texts where we focus on our Super Six Strategies such as Predicting, Visualising and Monitoring as we read to ensure that we are comprehending the text. This week students have really enjoyed working on their Fluency. They have practiced repeated reading and filming each other on the IPAD to allow them to monitor and assess their fluency. Repeated reading represents the most widely studied method for developing reading fluency.
In Mathematics we have been working on developing our Number Sense when solving worded mathematical problems, by thinking carefully about which operation to use and what other mental strategies would assist us when solving worded problems.
We share our ideas, strategies and thinking as a group. We have had a strong focus on developing our Number Facts to 20, Times-tables, Doubles Facts, Place Value knowledge and Operations which are all vital to develop Number Sense.
Jayne Hill (Tutor)