Mathematics improvement

Our improvement in mathematics this year continues to focus on embedding further problem-solving and reasoning learning activities into our mathematics lessons. This improvement strategy has been identified in response to a need to ensure that all of our students are being challenged in their mathematics lessons, even those students who may be working at a level above that expected for their age.
To give you an idea of the type of task that students might explore, an example is provided below. In addition, our mathematics teachers will be preparing for the introduction of the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 Mathematics in 2025.
Example reasoning task (Year 7 or 8)
Watch this video which shows two people playing the first few turns of a game.
What do you notice? What do you want to ask?
Watch the video a second time, thinking about these questions.
Can you work out how to play the game? What do you think the rules might be? How might someone win the game?
It's your turn!
Try playing the game against someone else a few times to get a feel for it. Do you have any good ways of winning?
Now it's time to work together with a partner, rather than against them. Try to create a string of calculations that uses as many numbers as possible on the 0-20 number line.
Is it possible to create a string of number sentences that uses all the numbers on the 0-20 number line? Why or why not?How would you convince a mathematician?
What about the 1-20 number line?
Is it possible to create a string of number sentences that uses all the numbers on the 1-20 number line? Why or why not? How would you convince a mathematician?
by Mr Greg Breese
Assistant Principal
(Middle Sub School)