Principal's message


As today is our final day of Term 1 I hope all our students and families have a restful and safe holiday break. Teachers return a day earlier than students to participate in professional development around the new Curriculum. 

Students return on Tuesday 30th April 2024 in summer uniform. 

Students are to continue wearing the summer uniform until the Monday after Mothers Day (Monday 13th May) when they are to wear winter uniform. 

If the weather is cooler than usual in the first couple of weeks of Term 2 we will send out communication that winter uniform may be worn earlier. 



Thank You

It has been an honour and privilege to have been the relieving Principal for the last 12 months. Thank you to all the wonderful students and parents who have been so very kind and understanding as I stepped into some very large shoes. Your supportive words and actions have definitely made this very steep learning curve one that I have enjoyed. 

While I was the one who fulfilled the role of Principal I can honestly say that it was a team effort and the staff have been amazing, trusting decisions and continuing to do what they do best - teaching our amazing students. I would particularly like to thank Mrs Schafer for taking on the Acting Deputy role and without her leadership and management of the school it would not have run nearly as efficient or organised as it is today. Additionally, the executive team have instilled a sense of consistency and continuity for our teachers and students.


A few parents have asked me if I had applied for the Principal position and as I shared on Tuesday night at the P & C Meeting, I chose not to apply. Leading a school is a responsibility that I always knew involved juggling many balls and spinning plates in the air as well as wearing many different hats. I, like many of you, try to manage that elusive "work/life balance" and I need to make decisions that are best for my family and overall health. I recently heard someone say that new, fresh water that enters a stream keeps it healthy and free flowing. This resonated with me, recognising that a change of Principal will bring that newness and ensure our 'stream' will continue to be dynamic and responsive to the changing world around us. 


I met with our new Principal, Mrs Bentley, last week and I know she will be a wonderful addition to our school community. Mrs Bentley comes with a wealth of experience and understanding of the many complexities in our students lives. She is looking forward to getting to know our students, staff and parents. I am excited to work closely with her and share what we have been focusing on with our teaching and learning programs.


Staffing Term 2, 2024

There are a few changes to staff for next term:

Mrs Wilson - Acting Deputy 

                       - Teaching 5/6P on Thursdays


Mrs Schafer - Early Stage 1 Assistant Principal (Monday-Thursday)

                         - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction - Monday and Thursday

                         - New Arrivals Program - Tuesday

                         - Early Stage 1 RFF - Wednesday


We have a few staff members who will not be returning next term.

Mrs Fiona Dickson has been fulfilling the role of APC&I in Mrs Whitfield's absence last year and working closely with teachers on Thursdays. It has been a pleasure to have Mrs Dickson on our staff and she brought a wealth of curriculum knowledge and expertise that has positively impacted our teachers and students.


Miss Natalia Bozic has been teaching 5/6P on Thursdays and she has chosen to pursue other educational options. We wish her all the best as she continues in her teaching career. 


Ms Biljana Naumovska has been assisting students and teachers as a School Learning Support Officer in our Support Unit classes. 


Mrs Vivien Phillips has been our day to day casual for the last year or so and has been able to fill in for any absent teachers, Monday to Friday. Mrs Phillips won't be leaving entirely as we will see her as an on call casual from time to time. 



Toilet Update

The junior toilet block is now complete and will be open to students from the first day next term. They look amazing and the teachers will be discussing with the students how to use the new facilities safely and respectfully. There is a Dyson hand dryer, timed sensor flush urinal in the boys toilets and all new tiling, partitions and toilet suites. New steel louvers have also been installed and we are told they are strong - even against soccer balls. Unfortunately school toilet blocks have a reputation of being less than a pleasant experience... we want our toilets to be a clean and hygienic space for many years to come but this will only happen if the students do the right thing when using them. 


The staff toilet in Block C, which still had the old chain flush cistern on the wall, has also been renovated. 


Share our Space

These holidays the school will be open on weekends as part of the the NSW Department's

Share our Space program. Locally there will be a free cricket clinic at Penshurst West PS during the first week of holidays.


There are also a number of free activities community members can access. 


Mrs Wilson

Acting Principal