
Sharon Miguel

Our senior students have actively engaged in everyday life skills, fostering independence and integration. Through tailored support and adaptive techniques, our students are learning essential tasks that contribute to their daily lives. From making hot drinks, where they master safety protocols and precise measurements, to doing the laundry, which involves sequencing and organization, each activity builds competence and confidence. Making a bed not only hones motor skills but also cultivates a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Setting up the table for meals promotes social interaction and mealtime routines, crucial for social integration. Vacuuming, a task requiring coordination and attention to detail, showcases their ability to contribute to household chores effectively. These activities are more than practical skills; they represent milestones in their personal development and empowerment. By participating in these tasks, our senior students not only enhance their life skills, but they are also demonstrating their capacity to engage meaningfully and independently in everyday activities. This supports their educational goals but also prepares them for a fulfilling and inclusive life beyond the classroom. I am so proud them.