A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student

Thinking about studying a TAFE course after high school?

Come along to our Wantirna campus to see exactly what Vocational Education and Training (VET) at Swinburne is like, based on what you’d like to study. 

Whether you’re interested in animation or nursing, this immersive event is for any high school student who can’t wait to experience VET for themselves. 

  • Get a taste of different study areas with hands-on workshops 
  • Work alongside other high school students 
  • Find out which certificate or diploma is right for you 
  • Learn what makes TAFE courses different to uni 
  • Check out the Wantirna campus while you enjoy a free lunch

Taster sessions

Get a feel for what it’s like to study a TAFE course at Swinburne with your choice of interactive workshops.


Screen and media

Get an overview of Swinburne’s screen and media courses, including sports media and animation specialisations. Then, try some of the techniques our screen and media students use to tell stories on screens big and small.


Art and design

Do you dream of studying something creative after high school? Discover different TAFE courses that let you explore your artistic talents while you study, including graphic design, photography, and interior design.


Health, community and early childhood

Want to make a positive impact on others? See how you could turn your calling into a career with a course in community services, early childhood or health. Try hands-on activities across a range of different study areas, from pathology and nursing to education support and mental health.