Learning News K/1

Miss Sophie Goodman


K/1 have been extremely engaged in writing about different Australian animals each week. This week, we have been writing an information report about Emus. We were lucky enough to have Jack bring in his own emu egg for us to see! 



Kindergarten are starting a new unit in Maths next week. We are learning to read hour time on clocks. At home, you could:

  • Start making a habit of pointing out the time on a clock when events happen in your day, to introduce what that time looks like. Move on to asking your child to tell you what a certain time looks like: “What will the clock look like at 1 o’clock” (or more tricky “in 30/15 minutes” if they are able to!) or “when it’s time to play?”.
  • Once these basics are established, let your children remind you when it is time to do something…You may well find that they will pick this up especially easily if it’s something they’re really looking forward to, perhaps not so quickly if you’ve asked to be reminded when it’s time for bed!
  • Use both digital and analog clocks around the house.

Year 1 are learning to recognise and describe the chance of everyday events. At home, you could:

  • Use the language of chance such as certain, impossible, more likely, equally likely and less likely when describing everyday events. For example, I have an equally likely chance of tossing heads or tails on a coin flip or We are in the Summer season, so it is certain to be hot again tomorrow.


This week in Science, students were able to design, create and test out their boats - choosing a material that was waterproof. K/1 had so many creative ideas and were great problem solvers during this process.