The Learning Zone

Mrs Maria Wilson - Leader of Pedagogy

Mrs Amy Phillips - MaST Project

It is report writing time! 

Semester reports are a formal way for teachers to communicate how students are going with their learning. 

Reports include your child/rens achievement information about each learning area that has been studied throughout the semester. The achievement codes show the overall achievement of your child/ren against what is expected at the time of reporting using the outcomes from the NSW syllabus for each learning area. 

A five-point scale is used in reporting: Working beyond the expected level of achievement 

(A & B), working at the expected level of achievement (C), working towards the expected level of achievement (D & E). Written comments outline what your child has achieved and provides advice on areas for improvement. 

Please be assured that achieving a ‘C’ on the report card is considered a sound level of achievement. Achieving a ‘C’ should be acknowledged as achieving at the level of a child at that stage of schooling. 


New English and Mathematics syllabuses were introduced in 2023 for both Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. During 2024 new syllabuses were introduced for Stage 2 and Stage 3. Along with the new syllabuses come new focus areas for teaching, learning, assessing, and reporting. Reports have been revised in these areas to reflect the content taught from the new English and Mathematics syllabuses. 


Refer to NESA's Parent Guides for further information: 


Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) -  EnglishMathematics

Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) -  EnglishMathematics

Stages 2 & 3 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) - EnglishMathematics 


Overview: Stage 2 - EnglishMathematics

Overview: Stage 3 - English Mathematics