Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Mrs Deb McDouall

Religious Education Coordinator



First Reconciliation - change of date

We have had four children start to prepare for this sacrament. Unfortunately the date has had to be moved to Monday, 1 July at the same time of 3.45pm. Please keep these children in your prayers: Charlie, Chase, Caspian and Monty.




Learning out of the classroom

What a treat to tag along with the K/1/2 class as they had an opportunity to explore the inside of St John's church last week. They looked at the different items in the church, found the statue of St John, and even had the treat of exiting the church through the sacristy! We discovered there are many items in the church donated by Barraba families over the years, which makes it extra special.

We said our prayer for lunch in the church which was different
Students were fascinated by the long pedals and many keys on the organ!
Students made the link between the Last Supper and the mass
We said our prayer for lunch in the church which was different
Students were fascinated by the long pedals and many keys on the organ!
Students made the link between the Last Supper and the mass

Year 6 RE test

On Tuesday all students in Year 6 sat the Diocesan-wide test which covers the six areas taught in the curriculum in class from Kindergarten to Year 6: beliefs of the Catholic faith, the history and structure of the Catholic faith, liturgical seasons, prayer, Sacraments and scripture. As a treat (and this has become a bit of a tradition here at St Joseph's) at the completion of the test they were treated with a tour of the choir section of St John's (upstairs!) where they found they were able to actually touch the ceiling of this special building! 

Fr Curran

This coming August marks a very special occasion where Fr John Curran will celebrate his golden jubilee of priesthood; fifty years in the job! To mark this occasion we have two events:

  • Sunday 25 August: Mass at St John's Barraba followed by a special luncheon at the Playhouse Hotel.
  • Friday 30 August: Whole School Community Mass at 10.00am followed by a special cake!

We would love to see as many people there as possible.



Answering Questions

I have come across a great resource that explains a lot of questions about the Catholic faith, mass, sacraments and prayers. It is organised in a way that you can find answers quickly and the explanations are concise, clear and easy to read. If you want to discuss anything or have any further questions please don't hesitate to reach out!