Sporting News

Mrs Bindy Abell - Sports Co-Ordinator 

Two weeks to go until we have our third biggest carnival for the year. We are pumped! 

In this report be sure to check out the program and order of events. Also, there are some names down for jobs on the day. Please let me know if you’re coming and I haven’t given you a job and you would like one or if I have popped you down and you are unable to do it I can easily swap it around. There is absolutely no pressure, and we are as always so grateful for any help.


With two weeks to go our PE learning focus has been on our jumping events. It is trickier than you think to be able take off with one foot and land on two! We have been so lucky to borrow the High Jump equipment again this year from the Central School. We are truly grateful for their support to help allow our students the opportunity to learn this skill and compete in this event.

Long jump has also been our focus in PE this week with students being able to refine their jumping skills for these events.


Next Wednesday we will also be having our qualifying High Jump Round. The top five students will be able to compete for placings on the day of the carnival. All other students will be able to jump on the day, however will only be allocated one jump per height if they did not qualify. We need to run a qualifying round otherwise we won’t have enough time complete it fairly on the day. Students will have ample opportunities to qualify.


Our wonderful Dad volunteers will be marking the track on Monday the 1st of July so the students will also have the opportunity to practice their track events on Wednesday the 3rd of July. 

Please ensure you have filled out the compass permission notes for these two events.



We have an exciting week coming up next Friday with the whole school travelling to Tamworth for our final Hockey Sports Session. Again, we need those parent permission compass forms back so please make sure you contact the school to ensure your child doesn’t miss out on these wonderful opportunities.

The Toni Palmer Memorial Shield (Rugby League Gala Day and Trials) will be held on Thursday the 4th of July in Inverell at the Kamilaroi Oval. The event will commence at 9:am and conclude at 2pm. There is a cost of $6.00 for the ADPSC Levy fee. 

Students are required to make their own way to and from the competition. We have a small school so we invite any individual students who are interested in trailing to contact Mrs Abell on as soon as possible to nominate you for the day. Students must have Rugby League experience and must be involved in playing in Rugby League outside of school to participate. It is open to students from Year 3 to Year 6. There is no canteen available at this venue.


So signing off for another week…