Principals' Message

Mrs Dominica Bearman

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to the end of Week 8!   With the weather now getting cooler, please ensure your child is dressed in the full winter school uniform. While some children do not seem too bothered by the cold weather, it is important that they wear their school jumpers/jackets to avoid the chill as much as possible. Please ensure that these items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name. 

Semester 1 Reports 

As we head towards the end of the term, our teachers are working hard to finalise assessments and write Semester 1 reports. These reports will be sent home Tuesday 2nd July. Our three way Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conferences will be held in Term 3 Week to be advised. Information will be sent out on Compass closer to the date,so you are able to book an interview time. It’s a great opportunity to discuss your child’s progress over the first half of the year. 


Many thanks to our class teachers who always work tirelessly, but particularly at this time of the year when preparing reports.

Student Engagement Workshop

Last Friday we were lucky enough to have children from Sacred Heart Boggabri, Holy Trinity Inverell, St Joseph's Warialda and St Michael's Manilla visit our school to participate in a range of workshops in the lead up to the NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference in October. Many thanks to Samantha Rhodes for helping to facilitate a successful day for all children involved.


Over the past weeks, we have been working closely with the Armidale Catholic Schools Office to tighten our approaches to student attendance. We ask that families continue encouraging their children to attend school daily. The impact of having days off is visible in the children’s learning outcomes and continues through their life choices in years to come. The following tables show the data on missing school.

The best gift you can give your child is a good education. Allowing children to have a day or two off does nothing for their future life choices. Obviously, sick days are taken into account. At St Joseph's Primary School, we want to create literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future. So, let’s work together to make every day count.