Cohort Day - Year 10

Cohort Day

On the 21st of June, our Year 10 students gathered for a special Cohort Day filled with activities designed to empower, educate, and foster community spirit. The day began with an inspiring empowerment workshop focusing on the themes of sisterhood and brotherhood. 

Students engaged in interactive sessions that highlighted the importance of unity, support, and mutual respect within their peer groups. The workshop was a fantastic opportunity for students to bond, share experiences, and build a stronger sense of community.


Following the empowerment workshop, the students attended an informative session on drug and alcohol addiction, delivered by the

knowledgeable team from Odyssey House. This session provided critical insights into the dangers of substance abuse and the impact it can have on individuals and their families. The presentation was both eye-opening and educational, leaving students with a deeper understanding of the importance of making healthy life choices.

After a morning of learning and personal growth, the students enjoyed a well-deserved lunch break, which featured a sausage sizzle fundraiser in support of the Fight MND Foundation. Year 10 students enthusiastically volunteered to cook and serve the food, showcasing their dedication to supporting a great cause. The lunchtime atmosphere was filled with camaraderie as students and staff came together to enjoy a meal and support the fight against Motor Neurone Disease.


The fundraising efforts didn't stop there. In the afternoon, students had the chance to purchase raffle tickets for a unique and entertaining event: the opportunity to "dunk" one of their teachers. This activity not only provided a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved but also helped raise additional funds for the Fight MND Foundation. 

The Year 10 Cohort Day was a resounding success, combining important educational elements with enjoyable and impactful fundraising activities. The students demonstrated exceptional teamwork, compassion, and a strong commitment to making a positive difference in their community.


Well Done Year 10s! 



Nellie Mastrop

Year 10 Year Level Leader