Humanities News

Medieval Day

On the Thursday of Examination Week, the Year 8 students were introduced to the many delights of life as a peasant in a Medieval European village. Some of the hi-lights of the day included an archery range, learning about Medieval crime and punishment, and getting to wear Medieval armour and see the different weapons used throughout the time period. Students were treated to a Medieval feast of vegetable soup and bread before partaking in a tournament where they battled against a Knight of the Realm. By all reports it was a "smashing" way to end examination week for our Year 8 students and provided them with  some great insight into life in Medieval Europe.


Mrs Melinda Naughton

Assistant Head of Humanities


Student Reflections:


On Medieval Day, we started with archery and I was surprised that I could hit  the target. Next, we learnt about some of the medieval armour and weapons. After that we learnt about some different medieval games which incorporated collaboration and teamwork. Finally, we learnt about different medieval torture methods. Overall, Medieval Day was a fun and interesting day, and my favourite part was the medieval games. 

Thom Hosking (8 Frew)


On Thursday the 6 June, Year 8 students had the opportunity to participate in a Medieval Day incursion at Girton. Throughout the day, students enjoyed a range of activities such as archery, weapons and armour, education and games, and crime and punishment, as well as a medieval peasant banquet for lunch. The day was both fun and educational, and thank you to all teachers involved with organising the event.

Juna Ellis (8 Jones)


Medieval Day was a fun and exciting day filled with several activities inspired by everyday life in the Middle Ages. I personally enjoyed archery and weapons and armour the most. I was quite surprised at some of the brutal and gruesome punishments inflicted during the Dark Ages. Overall, Medieval Day provided me with a deeper insight into many aspects of Medieval times.

Lucas Chen (8 Jenkin)


I enjoyed the whole day but the best parts where probably when the presenter would get us involved in the demonstrations with us as people in the story, like in the crime and punishment where the Knight (me) and the lady would pick different people to be punished and the presenter would demonstrate the punishment. In the archery we had to shoot the Vikings coming to attack our village. I also enjoyed the tournament because we all wanted one of us to defeat the Knight and cheered each other on. Lots of students got a turn to try to attack him. The weapons were interesting because the presenter explained how the feudal system came about in a really good way that made me understand it better, because I hadn't fully understood it before. He also made us part of the story which was fun. The education and games surprised me a lot because I had no idea about how the games trained different skills that you would need to advance and become the leader of the village. Overall, I had a really amazing day and it was super fun but also I learnt heaps about all kinds of things! Thanks for the opportunity to have this experience and also the teachers for selecting me for lots of fun jobs!


Archer Coote (8 Jenkin)