Time & Space YR 7

Dear Parents & Guardians of Auburn High School,
We are very excited to announce the annual Time & Space event for Year 7 students and their Mothers/Mother Figures, scheduled for Tuesday, 13 August 2024, and the Year 8 and 9 students and their Fathers/Father Figures, scheduled for Monday, 26 August 2024, in the Gymnasium (ECA).
These events will commence at 6pm, and we kindly ask you to arrive by 5.45pm.
We understand that families come in all shapes and sizes and want to assure that we encourage and embrace all that would like to attend.
Please see this flyer for more information about the program. We wanted to provide this advance notice so you can mark your calendars and join us for this meaningful experience.
If you’re ready to register, please refer to the email and/or Compass post from Anna Naylor.
We are wishing you a safe and relaxing break.
Kindest Regards,
The Wellbeing Team.