Wellbeing and Inclusion at AHS

Dear Families,
As we approach the School Holidays it is a good time to relax, re-set and connect as a family unit. Teens are social beings, they love to feel supported, valued, and connected. The benefits of social connection are long-reaching, studies have shown that it can:
- Increase happiness.
- Lead to better health outcomes.
- Live a longer life.
Reconnecting with family can support mental health too! Talking to friends and family about what is going on in their world can be an opportunity to provide information, support, and guidance. Having some time off phones, playing cards, going for a walk, having a movie night with hot chocolate, or heading to a fun event can increase family togetherness.
If a friend or family member is showing signs that they’re struggling:
- Express your concern and support.
- Remind your friend or family member that help is available and that mental health problems are normal and can be treated.
- Ask questions, listen to ideas, and be non-judgmental.
- Reassure them that you care.
- Offer to help them with everyday tasks.
- Include them in your plans—continue to invite them without being overbearing, even if they resist your invitations.
- Find out if the person is getting the care they need and want—if not, connect them to help.
If you’re looking for some fun ways to connect as a family:
School holidays events and activities - What's On Melbourne
We can’t wait to hear about all the fun adventures over the break.
Stay safe and warm,
AHS Wellbeing Team