French Programs

Year 8 French Language
Having studied sports and activities this term, and in preparation for the 2024 Paris Summer Olympic Games, the Year 8 French Language students are in have been completing posters on Olympic sports. We look forward to being able to see all their work on display!
Year 9 French Language
Year 9 students have been looking at the Comic Book Asterix and Obélix, a real cultural phenomenon in France. As part of their studies they have completed a creative writing requiring them to fill in the bubbles of a selected page and then watched the movie Astérix: Mission Cléopâtre.
Here is a sample of work from this activity:
Year 12 French
The Year 12 French class has celebrated the end of Unit 3 with a reflection and crêpes! Students had written a letter to themselves at the start of the year stating goals and objectives. They took time to review whether they had accomplished their goals or needed to set some new ones!
Bastille Day Celebrations
Preparations are on the way for exciting activities on the 19th July, when we will have our usual Bastille Day celebrations. Get ready to buy croissants and see special guests during the day!
Sonia Boyer
Last week 9F students reached a point in their learning when they sat their written examination for the Diplome National du Brevet.
This diploma marks the end of a cycle of learning the French Curriculum before they start senior school years. For us it is a chance to celebrate an important milestone in student’s binational/bilingual learning journey as it is the same diploma they would gain from completing their schooling in France. For the students it also give them the opportunity to learn how to prepare for summative exams, plan for revision and manage stress.
It is a very valuable experience that prepare and equip them very well for the senior years. Even before the results are out we can already report that we are extremely proud of their learning in the process and would like to congratulate them on this huge achievement : sitting 8 h of written exams over 2 days that covers 3 years of learning.
We are of course looking forward to sharing their results once they are out later this week in the meantime we wish them a restful break to recharge and be ready for new learning in semester 2.
Genevieve Papon