From the Prefects

Ed Southwell and Halle Doyle, Head Prefects

Hello families of Kinross Wolaroi,


Term 2 is in full swing as we hit the halfway mark! School sport has been incredible with lots of wins coming across the board as well as remarkable sportsmanship. We would like to congratulate everyone on the way you have all been behaving both on the court and as spectators at all winter sports games. We cannot wait to see how the sport for the rest of the term will play out and remember to go and support your friends and peers at their sports games!


On Monday 20 May Kinross Wolaroi students were lucky enough to receive a visit from the Purdue Varsity Glee Club, which is the number one Glee Club in the United States. Directed by William Girffel, the choir sang a variety of pieces, ranging from ‘Africa’ by TOTO, to ‘Great Balls of Fire’ by Jerry Lee Lewis. Those who visited the event were blown away by the skills of the group, and the bubbly and interactive nature of the performance. The group were accompanied by the numerous Kinross Wolaroi choirs, who had the opportunity to sing amongst the group’s impressive line-up. The School greatly appreciated their visit and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. 

With only four weeks left we hope that the students are looking after themselves as the weather becomes colder! Hopefully everyone is feeling well and are completing their schoolwork to the best of their ability. With the very exciting long weekend coming up we hope all students and families are going to take the time to rest, relax and prepare to finish the term with a bang, as well as have a lovely, fun time with their families!


Thank you for reading this weeks Prefect Page!


Kind regards,

Halle and Ed.