Performing Arts



What a fantastic start to our first year of Performing Arts. In Term 1 we learnt what Performing Arts entailed and had a focus on drama, which was new for all our students. We learned that making mistakes was okay and we can shout “AGAIN!” excitedly and try something again. This is particularly important when we do improvisation but can be used outside of the classroom too! We explored emotions and expression with our body and voice and how project our voices to an audience.


In term 2 we shifted our focus to music. The whole school performed at the ANZAC day assembly, singing the song “We Remember”. Feedback from the audience was that the students did a fantastic job and it sounded amazing. A special shout out to the Year 6 students who were selected to perform the verses as a poem.


In classes, the Foundation to Year 2 students have been learning the names and how to play a range of percussion instruments. We introduced the song “A Sailor Went To Sea” and then created our own versions in small groups, changing the words, actions and instruments.


The Year 3 to 6 students have been working on their ukulele skills, learning how to hold the instrument, where to position their fingers and how to play different strumming patterns. (Miss Schie is very excited about this because it is her favourite instrument to play)! Students have had to show resilience when they are finding a chord or strumming pattern difficult or if their fingers are starting to get sore.


This is just a small snapshot of the amazing things our students have been doing in Semester 1. Check out some of our students exploring our instruments: