From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that next week is the last week of the term and we are nearly halfway through the year. The weather this week is certainly letting us know that we are in winter. 

Last week there was much in the media about safe use of technology and students wellbeing and safety whilst on line. At school we have a number of systems and programs in place that both protect our students whilst at school and educate them about being safe digital citizens.  We strive to provide information to families to support them in their role in enabling children safe and responsible access to technology when they are not at school.

At various times in the past we have provided resources for parents on this subject which we hope will support discussion and provide information.

Throughout next term, each week we will focus our ‘Something to Think About’ section of the newsletter on a particular aspect of cybersafety and encourage parents of all students, Foundation to Year 6 to read, watch and be informed.  


Staff News

We welcome Ms Prue Lillie who will take Year 3 /4 J for the remainder of the year. Prue met the students last week and will join Ms Julia (we hope) for Report Feedback sessions next week. This will be a lovely way for Prue to meet families and hear about the students and their learning.

Phil Pearson will also be taking extended long service leave from the end of this term until the end of the year. We wish Phil all the best as he takes a break. Mr Reed and Ms Franca will both be Acting Deputy Principals and we are finalising the PE position this week. We will keep you informed.


Reports & Report Feedback Session

Reports will be sent home this Friday 21st June and our Report Feedback sessions will be held on Tuesday 25th June from 1:30pm- 6:30pm. Students will finish school at 1:00pm on this day, OSHC is available bookings are essential. 

It is notcompulsory for parents to meet with teachers however it is an opportunity to discuss your child’s report for those who would like to. Specialist staff will also be available.


If you wish to attend, please book online at

Tuesday 25th June

1:30pm - 6:30pm

CODE:  weeq7

Bookings are open.


3/4 Camp

Our Year 3/4 Camp last week was cold but amazing. The students were resilient, persistent and happy campers as they enjoyed cooking, flying fox, hut building and laser tag activities. A little bit of rain, on the first day did little to dampen their enthusiasm and enjoyment. Many thanks to Ms Tess and Ms Maree for their organisation and preparation for camp and to Phil & Mr Reed for accompanying the students to Benloch. We are very lucky that our teachers, both those who attend camp and those who cover duties etc whilst other staff are away, value the Camp Program and support it.

There are some photos and student reflections on the Learning Page.


School Disco - Next Thursday 27th June

The Disco is the highlight on the social calendar for students and they are very excited. We are very appreciative of the work of the Disco Crew and the BPC. More information is on the BPC page of this newsletter.


School Levies & Fees

Terms 1 & 2 fees are now overdue, as is the levy payment. If you are experiencing difficulties please make an appointment to see me before the end of term.



The Assembly is on this Friday 21st June at 3.00pm in the hall.  The Foundation classes are hosting this week.


End of Term 2

The term ends next Friday 28th June, school finishes at 1:00pm on this day.

OSHC is available and bookings are essential.

Term 3 begins on Monday 15th July.

'Something to Think About' 

In the very first of our focus series on ‘esafety’ it is important to highlight that many of the apps that students want to and do actually access have age limits of 13+. In particular this age limit applies to many of the common social media apps, which actually means that no child in our school should been on/ use these, yet many are.

This guide from the esafety website, lists a large number of apps.  When you click on each you can see age limits, explanations, how people use the app, how you can report someone & key safety links. I encourage parents to find use of this guide and educate yourself about what these apps are.