Principal's Desk

Dale Blythman

We are excited to share the steps we are taking to enhance our school values and create a positive environment in the school yard. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a supportive and respectful community, our students have been actively involved in shaping the values and behaviours that define our school culture.


Class Meetings and Goal Setting

Each class has been holding regular meetings where students have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on our school values. During these meetings, classes have been establishing 3-5 specific goals focused on improving behaviour and interactions in the yard. These goals are tailored to the needs and aspirations of each class, ensuring that our efforts are relevant and impactful.

Here are some images of these individual class goals:


Regular Check-Ins

To maintain momentum and ensure progress, we are conducting regular check-ins both as a whole class during our Morning Circle, and individually. These check-ins provide a platform for students to share their experiences, celebrate successes, and address any challenges they may face. This proactive approach helps us to support each student and keep our collective goals at the forefront of our daily activities. Each class has also established a positive reward system in which we regularly recognise and reward the positive behaviours we see.


Proactive and Clear Expectations

We believe that clear expectations are essential for fostering a positive environment. As part of our initiative, we are co-constructing expectations with our students, ensuring they have a voice in defining what respectful and responsible behaviour looks like in the yard. This collaborative approach not only empowers our students but also helps them understand the importance of adhering to these standards. As you can see from the images above, the students are very clear on what they want to achieve and expect in their outdoor space.


Co-Constructing Consequences

In addition to setting clear expectations, we are also co-constructing consequences for anti-social behavior. By involving students in this process, we are teaching them about accountability and the impact of their actions on others. This collaborative effort ensures that consequences are fair, understood, and supported by the entire school community.


We are incredibly proud of the proactive steps our students are taking to enhance our school values. Their involvement and commitment are key to creating a safe and respectful environment where everyone can thrive. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing more information with you about our progress in this space. We look forward to continuing this journey together and appreciate your support in reinforcing these values at home. Next week, I will share information on how we are focusing on the positive role of the 'Upstander'.


State-wide CRT Shortage

Over the past few weeks, I have written about the upcoming flu season and the impact this can have on student attendance. This message also extends to our staff and even our CRTs (Critical Relief Teachers) as they are not immune to illnesses either. Due to the impact of COVID, coupled with the flu season, we (along with a lot of schools across the state) are seeing a shortage of CRT staff available to continue the high-quality teaching and learning programs which the teams have planned.

Currently, every morning and afternoon, Carrie is busy liaising with various CRT agencies and local CRT staff to provide the best possible learning experience. However, sometimes this is not possible and we have to split grades. Please know, splitting classes is always a last resort. I know our community is understanding of our approach and I thank you for your trust in us.


Term 2 Finish time

As the term draws to a close, just a reminder that on Friday, 28 June, our school term will conclude at 2:15pm. As per normal, we will hold a Friday morning assembly before a brief announcement over the PA before the students are dismissed from their classrooms at 2:15pm. 


I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please feel free to pop in for a chat with either Carrie, Brendan or I, should you wish to discuss anything. 


Our doors are always open! 


Take care,






Mr. Dale Blythman