Education in Faith

Sacramental Events and Dates
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place throughout the school year.
Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events.
Sacrament Levy
There is a $25 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost of stoles.
- This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received.
Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Event | Date/Time/Venue | Participant Group |
Term 3
| ||
Confirmation Candidates meet Bishop Tony Ireland | Thursday, 29th August at 9:45 am | At St. Francis de Sales Year 6
Sacrament of Confirmation Retreat Day | Tuesday 3rd September St. Francis de Sales (9 am- 3pm) | St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 6
Sacrament of Confirmation | Saturday 7th September St. Kevin’s Church | St. Francis de Sales - 2 pm-Year 6
Term 4
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Reconciliation Commitment and Enrolment Mass | Tuesday 8th October 6.30 pm - Registration 7.00 pm - Mass St. Kevin’s Church
| St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
Reconciliation Information Night | Tuesday 15th October 7 pm - 8 pm St. Kevin’s School Hall
| St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | Tuesday 19th November 7 pm St. Kevin’s Church | St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Sacramental Program, celebrations or preparation process, please feel free to contact the School's Religious Education leader.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the spiritual formation of our students. We look forward to celebrating these sacred moments with you and your families as a parish community.
May God's blessings be with you and your loved ones.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
Trusting in God’s Power
The readings for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B show us God’s power and our need to trust Him. In the first reading, God reminds Job of His control over the sea. He set boundaries for the waters and commands the waves.
This shows God’s authority over creation. Even the mighty sea, which can be so powerful and frightening, obeys God’s commands. We can trust that God is in control of everything in our lives too.
In the Gospel, we see Jesus calming the storm. The disciples are afraid, but Jesus shows His power over the wind and sea. He asks them why they are afraid and questions their faith.
Finding Peace in Christ
When we face storms in our own lives, we can remember Jesus’ power. Just as He calmed the sea for the disciples, He can bring peace to our troubled hearts. We only need to trust Him and have faith.
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians tells us that Christ’s love changes us. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Him. In Christ, we become new creations, leaving our old ways behind.
This new life in Christ is full of hope and promise. When we trust in His love, we can face any storm with courage. We know that He is with us, guiding and protecting us
Discussion Starters
- Why might the disciples – experienced fishermen – have panicked in the storm?
- What significance lies in the fact that Jesus lay asleep during the storm and had to be woken?
- Why might the gospel writer have chosen to tell this story in this way?
- In what ways do you sometimes feel caught up in a storm?
- In the midst of ‘stormy times’ how can God's calming presence make itself felt?
- Why might it have been important for the gospel writer to demonstrate Jesus’ command over nature?
- In what ways does it matter whether or not this incident occurred as described?
- When have you felt like the disciples of the story: out of control in a storm?
- How do you try to create calm and order in stormy situations?
- How does prayer make a difference in chaotic or unsettling situations?
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
Mini Vinnies completed a last collection and counting for donations today. The total for each House:
1st | Bosco | 203 |
2nd | Teresa | 148 |
3rd | Mackillop | 134 |
3rd | Patrick | 115 |
A big thanks to the SFS Community and those families who donated. We have collected a total of 600 items which was given to the Hampton Park St Vincent de Paul Conference today. We managed to fill 2 cars worth of donations. Thank you SFS these donations will help many people who need assistance at the moment.
Which House is leading in the Community Spirit Award points? Student are able to earn points for their House by demonstrating community spirit which includes our PBL values. The Winter Appeal donations also went towards the Community Spirit points this week. The points for each House so far:
1st | Teresa | 3,943 |
2nd | Patrick | 3,868 |
3rd | Mackillop | 3,769 |
4th | Bosco | 3,673 |
Well done to Teresa who is leading at the moment. Let’s see who is leading next week. And don’t forget students will also receive points for bringing in items for our Winter Appeal.
Today Mini Vinnies learnt a bit about the work of our local Conference does. They learnt how they support people in need through home visits, food hampers, gift cards, furniture, and payment of bills just to mention a few ways they assist. Students were then able to ask questions to find out a bit more about the members and what they do.
We would like to thank the Hampton Park SVDP Conference for giving up their time and helping Mini Vinnies to see that they are a part of a community much larger who have the same values and goals as they do.
Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies