Need to Knows


Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to all who contributed to the Parent Survey regarding Flipped Mondays. The survey was open from 7 - 24 June. Over the 17-day period of the survey, 183 parents responded. This produced a great amount of data including 649 comments. All responses will be reviewed as a part of the Action Research Team’s work. 


On Monday of this week, the Action Research Team spent six hours reviewing survey feedback from both students and teachers. Over the survey period from April to June, four surveys were administered. This produced:

  • 786 student responses with a total of 3,144 comments.
  • 82 teacher responses with a total of 328 comments.

The Action Research Team's review of this data, along with its review of the parent survey data, observations of flipped learning and 1:1 interviews with teachers and students regarding Flipped Learning Mondays from April to June, will form the basis of focus group interviews to be hosted by Dr Phil Cummins on Thursday 25 July.


In summary, the next steps of the process include:

  • 17 July – Review of parent data.
  • 24 July – Review of observation records.
  • 25 July – Dr Phil Cummins hosts focus group interviews for teachers, students and parents.
  • 26 July – Dr Phil Cummins meets with the Action Research Team to review the outcomes of focus group interviews.
  • 19 August - Interim report to be shared with the College Board.

Again, the Action Research Team thank all those parents and carers who took the time to provide their much-valued feedback.  We have commenced reviewing all the comments, and after an initial reading of the 183 surveys, it has been noted that 8 people have made a comment along the lines of ‘we know you won’t take this on board’. Rest assured, if the sentiment following this comment becomes a theme or pattern which emerges from the feedback, it will become an important consideration of how we move forward with all things Future Facing.


Additionally, one or two parents used the open-ended question at the end of the survey as an opportunity to ask questions unrelated to Future Facing. Please be reminded that the survey was completely anonymous, so we have no way of responding to the parents who made comments about aspects of College life. Parents and carers are always welcome to contact the College via with any questions or concerns about any College matter. Your email will then be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff so they can attend to your matter.


I trust the above information is helpful to you in demonstrating our commitment to reviewing this data, and I look forward to communicating further with you next term regarding Future Facing initiatives.


Greg Miller


Year 11 Reports

Reports for our Year 11 students will be available in Parent Orbit and Parent Lounge from midday on Monday 1 July.


To access your child's report in Parent Orbit, navigate to 'Student' at the bottom of the page and click on 'Academic Reports'. To access your child's report in Parent Lounge, click on 'Academic Reports' on the left of the home screen.

TAFE NSW - Virtual Information Sessions

TAFE NSW are offering virtual subject selection information sessions for interested Year 10 students and parents/caregivers. Topics covered in the sessions will include:

  • TVET courses, types of courses and how they relate to the HSC
  • Work Placement
  • Pathway options to further study and a career
  • School based apprenticeships and traineeships
  • Attendance at TAFE
  • Reporting to schools
  • TAFE NSW website – how to navigate the TVET Guide and further information
  • Next steps for a TVET or SBAT course in 2025
  • Q&A Session

Wednesday 24 July 

6.00pm to 7.00pm

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 459 781 388 506

Passcode: qjEgBr

Thursday 25 July 

6.00pm to 7.00pm

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 432 191 267 083

Passcode: xaq4gw

Rebecca Graham

Senior Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

Open Parachute complimentary parent webinar

We are excited to announce the opportunity for you to register for a free webinar on anxiety in children, hosted by Open Parachute - an organisation we work with to deliver a wellbeing program for our students.


Tuesday 23 July

7.00 - 8.00pm

To register for this important event, scan the QR code in the flyer below.

Year 10 SIM Bootcamp

On Monday 29 July, all Year 10 students will be involved in a SIM (Strengths, Interests, and Motivation) Bootcamp workshop. This workshop will support them in their upcoming subject choice selections for 2025. It will also be invaluable for those students who will be transitioning to the workforce.


Please note:  Although 29 July is a Flipped Monday, all Year 10 students are expected to be at school to attend the workshop.

Uniform Policy

Chevalier College places a strong emphasis on the presentation of its students and the

adherence to uniform standards, consistently expecting excellence. Please take time to read this policy and familiarise yourself with the College expectations.


Students who do not abide by the uniform regulations will be asked to fix the identified problem and may be asked to not return to school until the issue is resolved. Students not in compliance with the uniform regulations may be placed on a uniform detention.


All final decisions regarding uniform regulations are at the discretion of the Assistant Principals – Wellbeing.

Parent Webinar - Teens and Screens - Black Dog Institute

Our school is participating in the Black Dog Institute’s Future Proofing Study, the largest and most comprehensive investigation of adolescent mental health in Australia. When our current Year 11 students were in Year 8, families and students could choose to opt into the study or not.  


Researchers from the Black Dog Institute now visit our school every year to facilitate these enrolled students completing an anonymous online survey about all aspects of their mental health and well-being. This information is then analysed with the data from the other thousands of participants, and the analysis is provided to key decision makers to shape policy and service provision. 


In 2023, the researchers asked participants about their screen use and linked this input with participants’ mental health input. The research team then prepared a webinar for parents documenting their findings about teens, screens and mental health. This webinar also includes options for how parents can support their children navigate the digital world positively and safely. 


Topics included in the webinar: 

  1. Background to the Future Proofing Study (at 3:13 mins)
  2. How teens are using screens (at 4:10 mins)
  3. The association between teen screen use and mental health (at 6:28 mins)
  4. What families can do to support children to navigate the digital world (at 18:00 mins)

Please click here to watch this accessible and informative webinar on YouTube.  


The researchers have also created a PDF of the webinar slides and content you can view here.  Further information is available on or you can email


As always, we are committed to working with you to find the best ways to nurture the mental fitness of our young people.  


Kelly Clunn and Natalie LaGarde

Assistant Principals - Wellbeing

Sport training 

Sport training will recommence from Tuesday 23 July (Week 1 Term 3).


Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator

Sports Winterfest tickets are now available

We're thrilled to announce that tickets are now available for our second Sports Winterfest.


Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with sport, feasting and fireworks. What better excuse to re-ignite the Chev spirit!?


ISA winter sport commences at 8.00am and will run throughout the day, with food and beverage options available for all. 


After sport concludes we intive everyone to join us from 3pm for live music, food trucks (smoked meat burgers, mexican, dumplings, gozleme, hot donuts, sundaes and slushies!), and bar service (beer, wine, cocktails). Culminating in an amazing fireworks display at 6.30pm.


🎟️ Tickets are free and are now available! Secure your spot and join us for an incredible time. Early ticket holders go into the draw to win a chance to start the fireworks. Don't miss out on your chance!


Saturday 27 July

8.00am - 6.30pm

Chevalier College


Grab your free tickets now and let the countdown to Sports Winterfest begin! See you there! 👋

Picton Town Talks

We understand it is not always convenient to make it to the College for events, especially for those in our outlying towns and villages. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to our ‘Town Talks’ with our Principal, Greg Miller.


Greg will be making a special visit to Picton on Wednesday 14 August, and he’s looking forward to sharing a drink, some nibbles, and most importantly, a conversation with you.


Wednesday 14 August

6.00pm for a 6.30pm start

Picton Bowling Club


To make the most of our time together, we’d love to hear from you in advance. Please take a moment to share up to three areas you’d like to discuss with Greg via the link below. He will be preparing a brief presentation covering points of interest, followed by an open Q&A and conversation.


Enjoy a complimentary drink on arrival and some nibbles while we chat. Please let us know if you can make it by booking a free spot here


We look forward to catching up with you!

School Holidays Office Hours

The main office will be closed from Monday 1 July until Friday 12 July and reopen on Monday 15 July for the final week of the school holidays. 


The Chev Shop will be closed for the school holidays (Monday 1 July - Friday 19 July) and will reopen as normal on Thursday 25 July. 

Year 11 Jersey Orders

Orders for the 2025 Year 12 jerseys have now opened. Year 11 parents have been emailed separately with details on how to order. Please note the deadline for ordering is Wednesday 10 July

New School Bus Numbers

We have been advised by Berrima Buslines that as of Tuesday 25 June 2024, bus route names and numbers have been amended so they can become part of a standardised system, and global tracking on all buses will be active. 


Please read the information from Berrima Buslines regarding your child's new bus number. Route information will be available on apps such as “Anytrip” using the new S number indicated in the attached document. 


Please note, the physical routes will not be affected, and the animal symbols will not change. The animal symbols will be accompanied by the new S number. To help students clearly identify services and become familiar with the changes, there will be a transition period during which each bus will display its old route name/number next to the new one.


If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Berrima Buslines directly on 02 4871 3211.

  • 28 June - Last day of Term 2
  • 30 June to 14 July - Outback Mission Experience
  • 22 July - Staff Day - students do not attend
  • 23 July - Students return for Term 3

Chev Need to Knows Archive

Click here for the Chev Need to Knows Archive