Technologies - Key Learning Area in Focus

Ms Peggy Handley - Leader of Learning - Technologies

Technologies and VET Department Highlights - Semester 1

The Technologies and VET department provides students with engaging, hands-on learning opportunities that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. We focus on developing essential skills in design, engineering, and various trades, promoting sustainable and innovative practices, and preparing students for diverse career pathways.


This term, we are excited to put the spotlight on our Technologies and Vocational Education and Training (VET) department. Our students have been engaging in a variety of dynamic and hands-on learning experiences that not only equip them with essential skills but also ignite their passion for innovative and sustainable practices.


Early Commencement Stage 6 VET Programs

In a new initiative, our Year 9 students have begun their Stage 6 VET courses, including Construction, Hospitality, and Cookery. These early commencement programs provide practical, real-world skills that prepare our students for future careers in these fields. Whether they are building structures, mastering culinary techniques, or learning the intricacies of hospitality management, our students are gaining invaluable experience and qualifications.

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We are proud of our students' achievements and look forward to continuing to support their educational journeys with inspiring and practical learning experiences.


Technologies and VET Department