Faith Formation and Mission

Mr Sandy Abbey | Assistant Principal - Faith Formation and Mission

On the same day that the college was celebrating Sacred Heart Day, Pope Francis held a special audience with over a hundred comedians from around the globe. Chris Rock, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Julia Louis-Dreyfus were present, just to name a few. The pope had invited them to the Vatican to encourage them in their special purpose of bringing joy and unifying people through laughter. He said to the gathered comedians, "in the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles."​ 


Constitution #32 from the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is referred to frequently at Chevalier College. And while the values it embraces, such as kindness and compassion, are cherished values which lie at the heart of our spirit, they are by no means unique to the MSC Charism. However, what is unique to the MSC Charism are the final words of Constitution #32, “… and a sense of humour​.” In fact, I am yet to find another religious congregation which includes this as a constitutional requirement (happy to be corrected). As I read the news about Pope Francis’ special audience, these final words from Constitution #32 came to mind. They reminded me that the MSC Charism has this same spirit the pope celebrated in the gathered comedians. 


This year has seen many in our community go through personal emergencies, however we hope that we as a community can spread peace and smiles to those who are wounded through our kindness, our compassion, and indeed, our sense of humour. As we head into the mid-year break, we find humour in the world warm our hearts and enliven our spirits. 

Images courtesy National Catholic Reporter 

Sacred Heart Day

Sacred Heart Day was a wonderful celebration of the spirit of family and friendship at Chev. We started the day with a moving liturgy before enjoying an afternoon of fun and games. Congratulations to Fr Bob Irwin msc who was presented with the Espirit du Chevalier Award for his lifetime of work for MSC Education, including as Principal of Chevalier College (1990-1996). We hope everyone had a wonderful day and that your hearts were filled with the love and kindness found in the heart of Jesus. 

Gifts of the Heart - Year 11 Retreat

In Week 6, Year 11 attended their three-day retreat at Stanwell Tops. The theme of the retreat was “Gifts of the Heart” and provided students with an opportunity to reflect on their gifts, the experiences and people in their lives who have helped develop these gifts, and how each one of us is called by God to use our gifts for others. Despite the wet weather, there was a wonderful spirit in the room as the students came to celebrate their own gifts and cherish the gifts of their peers. 

Vinnies Winter Appeal

This term, students have been supporting the Vinnies Winter Appeal. This year’s theme is “The Working Homeless” with Vinnies and other services seeing an unprecedented increase in demand from employed Australians for additional support. Students have been bringing in items of food, clothing and hygiene products as well as making financial donations. All items and financial donations will be used by the local Vinnies conferences in Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale to support those in our local communities doing it tough this winter. 


At our Week 8 assembly, Margaret McMahon from St Vincent de Paul Moss Vale Conference shared with the school the conference's gratitude for our support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal and spoke to students about the hardships that many in the community are going through. She reminded us of the important work Vinnies does in upholding the dignity of the vulnerable. 

MSC Mission Appeal

At 3am on the morning of Friday 24th May, a large crack was heard by residents in the Papua New Guinea province of Enga. Shortly after, while families slept, a devastating landslide hit a village burying the homes of over 250 families. While the official death toll is uncertain, it is estimated that the death toll is over 670. Additionally, there are more than 1300 survivors who are now displaced with their entire village buried under the rubble. On Sacred Heart Day the school community gave generously to support the victims of this disaster through the purchasing of raffle tickets during the afternoon activities and the ticket sales and bucket run from the Mission Concert. 


Thanks to your generosity, the college has raised over $6600 for the MSC Mission Office to assist families. Your generosity will help provide displaced families with sanitation and hygiene kits, sleeping mats and blankets, and emergency food and water provisions. It will also help in the construction of latrines, handwashing, and bathing facilities for the devastated community. 

Images courtesy of the MSC Mission Office 

Ration Challenge

Last week over twenty students participated in the Ration Challenge which aims to raise awareness and support for the living conditions of displaced refugees around the globe. During the week, the students ate the same rations as Syrian refugees. It was an amazing effort from the students who put on brave faces as they continued their schooling with assessments, performances at the school musical, sport training and other activities whilst eating in solidarity with refugees. Even more amazing is that the students have raised over $5650 which will go towards supporting displaced migrants around the world. Congratulations, an incredible achievement! 


Message from the Laity of the Chevalier Family 

Registrations for the National Gathering of the Laity of the Chevalier Family (21-22 September 2024 at St Mary's Towers, Douglas Park or via Zoom) are now open! The theme ‘One in Heart in Caring For Our Common Home', is inspired by the recent International Assembly of the Laity of the Chevalier Family. Registration online or email the PDF registration form to