Principal's Blog

12th June, 2024


Good Afternoon Parents Students, Staff and Friends of Derinya,  


What a delight it has been this week to see our renewed library space reopen. We are still waiting on a few pieces but on the whole it is looking absolutely stunning with many children choosing to visit over lunch time. You will notice a significant change also to overdue reminders which will be a much more streamlined process. If you have any library books lying around at home, it is not too late to return them. With the new system we are locating several things that were thought to be lost which have now been found!


Year 6 Camp 


I would like to acknowledge our fantastic year 6 students who had a slightly bumpy start to camp on Tuesday with thunder and torrential rain. Even though things didn’t go exactly to plan, students demonstrated great resilience, positivity and friendship. Things were much improved yesterday with a visit to the beach, camp activities and the penguin parade. Many thanks to Mr Wylie for his organisation and to our fantastic staff and parent helpers. 




As you will know, Mrs Waterworth is our learning specialist leading mathematics across our school. She is very passionate about ensuring best practice at Derinya and provides our staff with professional learning and coaching support. This week, Mrs Waterworth has been invited to facilitate workshops at the Maths Association of Victoria (MAV) Conference. We are looking forward to hearing all about the conference upon her return and to learn about what is new and exciting in the world of mathematics instruction. Congratulations to Mrs Waterworth, it is a great achievement to be invited to present at this conference. 



Assessment and Reporting 


In the last week of school you will receive your child’s semester 1 report. Teachers have been working diligently to assess and moderate ensuring reports accurately reflect your child’s achievement. Our next touch point following reports will be parent teacher interviews mid-term 3. Please take a moment to celebrate your child’s accomplishments because of their hard work across this first half of the year. If you do have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team. 




Production rehearsals are in full swing and the show is set to be fantastic. If you haven’t yet purchased your tickets a reminder that this is done through the Arts Centre website.

We look forward to bringing School Olympics to the stage next Thursday 20th June. Students are to be dropped off at the theatre no earlier than 6pm. Further information will be shared regarding pick up procedures at the end of the evening to ensure students depart safely. 


Student Illness


Unfortunately as the cooler months settle in, we are starting to see higher levels of illness. A reminder that if your child is unwell we do encourage them to stay home and rest. Please keep in mind that we do have some students and staff in our community with compromised immunity and therefore it is even more important that we remain diligent around this. 


Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend ahead.

Nadine Pye on behalf of the Derinya Team