From the Classroom - B5 (Jessica McKee)

Maths - 2D and 3D Shapes
For the last two weeks, 3/4 students have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have focused on identifying the properties of these shapes, naming the different shapes and identifying them in our learning spaces. While learning about shapes, students have investigated nets. Nets are what a 3D shape would look like if they were unfolded and opened up flat. We had a go at identifying what shapes would look like as a net and even had a go at drawing and creating our own nets from a given shape.
Social Squad
On Tuesday, B5 and M1 came together for a buddy session! We played a range of games that the students brought in from home or had at school, including Uno, Twister, Bingo and Jumanji. It was a great opportunity for the 3/4 students to lead our juniors in a fun afternoon of activities, before finishing with a game of Kahoot and a shared lunch.