Year 3/5/6 Science

This term, our focus has been Chemical Science where we have learned about natural and processed materials, how they have a range of properties and that this influences their uses.
In the last part of our unit, the students have been looking at elasticity and its uses. The students were asked to play the role of the designer, engineer and artist to produce and follow a process to make a toy. The students had to follow a design brief in small groups.
Design brief
Make a toy to entertain a classmate.
Design criteria
Your toy must:
• be made from at least two suitable materials
• have an elastic property
• be fun
• be safe
Suggested materials for toy making activity: rubber bands, hair bands, cardboard rolls, pompoms, cardboard, paper clips, scrap paper, jar lids, straws, glue, tape, used plastic bottles, paddle pop sticks.