Years F & 1

This week in maths we have been focusing on counting collections. The students learnt about coins and the value of each of the coins. After that they grabbed a small handful of coins and had to count how many they had and then count the total of the coins. They started with 5s and 10s and moved to 20s and 50s later in the week. They loved it and did incredibly well skip counting and writing the totals. Students had a go at making a mini shop and pricing some items. Students could then go shopping for something they’d like and they had to get the correct amount to pay for it. There were some great conversations happening.
In science we finished off the term using some air dying clay to create something of the students choice where they had to complete movements such a bending, stretching, rolling and scrunching. They had lots of great ideas and it was a great way to finish off the topic for the term.
During reading lessons the students have been working hard on learning to make predictions about a book they are going to read. They have focused on looking at the front and back cover and reading the title to help them predict what they think the book will be about. They have also been working on making connections from the book we are reading as a class to a book they have read previously and explaining. It’s great to see them pulling on a large ray of books.