Ulverstone Primary Deputy Student Leaders

Hello Leighland Families!


We are the Primary Deputy Student Leaders, Abi & Nicola. As deputy leaders, we fill in for the Student Leaders, Miki & Eliza, we help do jobs around the primary school, we help lead assemblies, and we encourage and support the younger kids in our school.


This is our first newsletter article, so we’d like to give you a recap of some the things that we’ve been part of this year. 


In Term 1, the student leaders had a meeting and shared ideas about what they want to do throughout this year. The Wacky Hair day was one of our ideas! In the second half of this year, we’d like to have a Pyjama Day, a cross-campus Year 5/6 evening of fun, and a casual clothes day!


This term we had one week of Learn to Swim. Our sessions were longer than previous years; this was pretty good because we had more time in the water to learn. 


On 20 May, we had our cross country; where we helped run with the little kids and lifted the parachute for them! Nicola even got to run under the parachute! Then we ran our own races, even though our legs were already tired. 


On 31 May, we had our Year 7 Taster day. That was really fun and wet! It hailed and we got rained on, but it didn’t stop us enjoying the day. We had four different subjects to taste – Science, Art, MDT and STEM. Nicola’s favorite was Art, Abi’s was MDT, where we made key chains and stamped them with the number 7. At lunch we played dodgeball against the Year 8s, which included our older brothers! We missed our class, but we didn’t want to go back to Primary!!


Every Wednesday, we have Worship Wednesday; where we sing a bunch of Christian songs and do actions. We like that it’s a time where we can actually worship God, and we’re not busy with other stuff. Our favourite worship songs are Who’s the King of the Jungle? by Colin Buchanan and This is Amazing Grace by Phil Wickham. 


We recently celebrated The International Day of Play. Play is important because it’s good for your health to run around, you can learn quite a few things, you can build problem solving skills and have fun whilst you learn! Today we are being playful with having Wacky Hair – and fundraising for the Senior Choir trip to Festival of Voices – and doing double PIGs groups!


Abi and Nicola

Primary Deputy Student Leaders