Deputy Head of Campus Burnie 

Delwyn Polden
Delwyn Polden

The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) was established in 2015 and is Australia's national independent regulator and educator for online safety.


There are many great resources available (for all ages) on the eSafety Commision website and I would encourage you to follow this link to find many resources that will aid in keeping your child safer online. 


Today, I would like to especially tell you about a lovely book that is available digitally on the eSafety Commision Page called: Swoosh, Glide and Rule Number Five. 


This book will take you on a journey to the Australian bush, to the treetop home of eSafety sugar glider twins Swoosh and Glide as they learn with their family about being safe online.


Can I encourage you to follow the link and watch this story with your Early Childhood aged children.


Delwyn Polden

Deputy Head of Campus Burnie