CAPA Faculty 

'music is to the soul what words are to the mind'

CAPA Community Showcase

The CAPA Community Showcase lit up Week 2 of Term 3, perfectly timed with the FGHS Parent/Teacher Interviews. The event was a vibrant celebration of creativity, featuring a mix of stunning artworks, digital drama acts, and live musical performances that parents and students alike could enjoy. And of course, there was a delicious free sausage sizzle provided by FGHS to keep everyone fueled up!

Curtis Bellette, Lukas Johnson, Taj Gardiner, Zephyr Cammarata and Oliver Welsman
Music and Drama student Codey Whiting
Curtis Bellette, Lukas Johnson, Taj Gardiner, Zephyr Cammarata and Oliver Welsman
Music and Drama student Codey Whiting

The showcase was a feast for the senses, with the room adorned in breathtaking artworks from Years 7 to 12, complemented by captivating photographs from Photography and Digital Media students. The live music set the stage for an energetic atmosphere, as talented students from all year levels demonstrated their musical prowess.

Year 7 ‘Keith Haring-inspired Paintings’
Year 10 ‘Patricia Piccinini-inspired Plaster Sculptures’
Year 12 Photography & Digital Media.
Year 7 ‘Keith Haring-inspired Paintings’
Year 10 ‘Patricia Piccinini-inspired Plaster Sculptures’
Year 12 Photography & Digital Media.

One of the highlights was the directorial debut of Year 10 drama students, who premiered their outstanding films, leaving the audience truly impressed. The CAPA Community Showcase was an unforgettable evening of art, music, and creativity, bringing the FGHS community together in celebration of our students' incredible talents!

Year 10 Film Study (Drama)
Year 10 Film study (Drama)
Year 10 Film Study (Drama)
Year 10 Film study (Drama)


After countless auditions, rehearsals, and even more rehearsals, the talented students of FGHS finally took the stage at Star Struck 2024, delivering performances that left the audience in awe! A huge round of applause to everyone who performed. We were thrilled to have several standout acts, including a drama group that captivated the crowd with a powerful movement piece set to 'Waving Through a Window.'


Special shoutouts go to our four featured performers: Curtis Bellette, who wowed as a featured vocalist with his involvement in a rendition of 'We Don’t Talk About Bruno'; Phoenix Morley and Lochlan Chapman, who brought the drama in their performances of 'Photograph,' 'How Do I Say Goodbye,' and 'You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch'; and Michael Jenkins, who brought the house down with his trombone skills in the orchestra.


Bravo to all our incredible students for their hard work and unforgettable performances!


Gwyniveve Ireland
Gwyniveve Ireland

In Term 2, Year 9 Drama students took the stage with their incredible "songologues," transforming well-known songs into captivating monologues for their assessments. The creativity and talent on display were simply outstanding!

Pyper Willcocks
Pyper Willcocks


Now, as we head into Term 3, these young performers are diving headfirst into the world of melodrama. They'll be channelling their dramatic flair into creating their very own short films, each bursting with the exaggerated emotion and intensity that melodrama is famous for.

Tiarney Cleary
Tiarney Cleary


Make sure to stay tuned for the premieres of these films—you won't want to miss the excitement!


In Term 2, Year 11 Drama students dived deep into the fascinating world of Theatrical Traditions and Performance Styles. They explored the groundbreaking techniques of Brecht and the powerful storytelling of Verbatim Theatre. After immersing themselves in these styles, they brought their learning to life by crafting and performing original monologues inspired by the texts they studied. The results were nothing short of outstanding!


Now, in Term 3, they're taking their skills to the next level with group-devised performances. They're not only honing their acting abilities but also mastering the art of collaboration and documenting their creative journey.


Year 11 also had the incredible opportunity to perform at the Biggest Afternoon Tea, where they left the audience absolutely spellbound with a movement piece set to the song ‘Real World.’ If you ever get the chance to watch these talented students in action, make sure you don’t miss it—they’re truly something special!

Year 11 Drama at the Biggest Afternoon Tea
Year 11 Drama at the Biggest Afternoon Tea
Year 11 Drama at the Biggest Afternoon Tea
Year 11 Drama at the Biggest Afternoon Tea
Codey Whiting
Nicola Shepherd
Jaiden Cooper
Codey Whiting
Nicola Shepherd
Jaiden Cooper
a snippet of Blake Dyson’s Individual Project
a snippet of Blake Dyson’s Individual Project

In Terms 2 and 3, Year 12 Drama embarked on an intense and rewarding journey, crafting their group performances for the HSC. Through the ups and downs, they’ve poured their hearts into creating something truly remarkable. Alongside these group performances, they’ve been hard at work developing their Individual Projects, which range from Promotion and Programs to monologues and set designs. They've also been fine-tuning their 10-minute group pieces and sharpening their theory work.


As their practical exams approach on September 4, we want to wish Year 12 the very best of luck. You've got this, and we know you'll absolutely smash it!

Group Performance rehearsal
Brodie Taransenko rehearsing his monologue
Group Performance rehearsal
Brodie Taransenko rehearsing his monologue


This term in Year 8 music, students are investigating the world of music in film, radio, television and multimedia. They have started creating their own advertisement, composing their own jingle and  slogan to accompany their product. 


This term, Year 9 music students are exploring large ensembles and music. These ensembles feature in orchestral, jazz and progressive rock music. Students will be completing their assessment task with listening to a piece from one of these styles and comment on expressive technique.


This term, Year 10 music students are exploring music of the 20th and 21st Century, investigating different styles of classical music, folk, contemporary and electronic music. Students are performing a piece from the last 125 years on their instrument of choice. 


This term, Year 11 music students are learning about music of the 19th Century, working towards their yearly exam in weeks 9 and 10 of this term. Year 11 will perform one solo piece on their chosen instrument and aurally comment on a variety of musical excerpts. 


Year 12 music students have recently completed their HSC Practical Trial Examination. With all students performing all four of their HSC pieces. They are now preparing for their HSC Theory Trial Examination on Thursday August 29 at 9am. We wish them all the best in all their trial exams. 



Auditions for Bandwidth will be videoed and submitted in week 7 of this term. We wish all bands the best of luck. 



In Term 2, Year 9 Photography students developed their Photoshop skills to create a wildlife magazine. Students created their own hybrid animal, inspired by the artworks of Patricia Piccinini, their hybrid animal has adapted to an environmental issue that plague our society.

Ellie Hope
Hannah Cashmere
Keilana Henry
Christian Cowper
Ellie Hope
Hannah Cashmere
Keilana Henry
Christian Cowper

Year 10 Photography have studied traditional still life photography throughout Term 2, working toward the creation of their own series of still life works.

Year 11 Photography have studied Modernist and Surrealist photography throughout Term 2, creating a series of works demonstrating the conventions of each of these photographic movements.


Modernist Photography


Year 12 Photography have studied temporal photography, investigating ways in which the movement of time and the speed with which things change, can be expressed through both still photos and through a 10 second film.

Visual Arts

Students investigated artist Keith Haring’s practice in both their theoretical and practical studies during Term 2. Students learnt of Haring’s approach to making art, how he constructed his art pieces and the story behind his practice. Students created their own Haring-inspired painting, applying Haring’s approach to symbolism, colour, pattern and composition.

Flynn Piefke (top) and Ivory Thompson (bottom)
Year 7 Haring inspired works at the CAPA showcase
Keith Haring Artwork
Flynn Piefke (top) and Ivory Thompson (bottom)
Year 7 Haring inspired works at the CAPA showcase
Keith Haring Artwork

In Term 2, Year 8 Drawing and Design students investigated the world of Graffiti and Street Art. Students then developed their appropriated version of the Mona Lisa, to spray paint in a style similar to the famous Banksy. 

Alicia Luxford
Lily Edwards
Mia Dodds
Erica Triffitt
Danikah Dollin
Alicia Luxford
Lily Edwards
Mia Dodds
Erica Triffitt
Danikah Dollin

In Term 2, Year 9 Visual Arts students looked to the world around them for inspiration for their observational drawing workshops. Drawing still life objects such as fruit, flowers and skulls in the class workshops to develop their sense of form and value to create lifelike drawings. Students further explored Observational drawing by recreating an image of a person, using their preferred medium to create their drawing. 

Amelia Burnes
Lian-Lesly Rio
Dhivyaa Letchumanan
Amelia Burnes
Lian-Lesly Rio
Dhivyaa Letchumanan

During Term 2, students experimented with sculpture, in creating a three-dimensional plaster creature. Students investigated the artist, Patricia Piccinini in developing their own response to concerns surrounding bio-ethics, future dystopias and the possible "unexpected consequences" society will face. 

"The Long Awaited" sculpture by Patricia Piccinini, 2008
Year 10 hybrid creature sculputres
"The Long Awaited" sculpture by Patricia Piccinini, 2008
Year 10 hybrid creature sculputres


In Term 2, students of Year 11 Visual Arts deeply investigated the artmaking practice of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. Students learnt about Kahlo’s life experiences and how they directly affected the art she created. Students learnt of Kahlo’s iconography, and the structural techniques employed by the artist to communicate meaning to her audience. In response to their critical and historical studies, students wrote an essay and created a Kahlo-inspired artwork which demonstrates their understanding of the life and times of the artist. 


It is crunch time for Year 12 Visual Arts, with their artmaking deadline becoming very real. Students’ HSC Body of Works’ are almost due for submission, with their trial HSC written exam just around the corner. Term 3 is an extremely busy time for our senior students, and their last ‘true’ term of schooling. The CAPA staff are looking forward to viewing the final practical submissions from our students and supporting them in their final stretch of schooling. Good luck, Year 12!

Kealeigh Stuart
Janiah Falua
Amarli Ball
Isabella Lonergan
Kealeigh Stuart
Janiah Falua
Amarli Ball
Isabella Lonergan


Samantha Moody

CAPA Faculty