Science Faculty

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."  ― Charles Darwin

Science Week

As we approach the mid-point of Term 3, Science Week is finally upon us! Last term, you may remember that we were running a competition for students to design a T-shirt that our faculty would wear during the week (and beyond). We are pleased to announce that Tommy Cox (Y7) and Daniel Hooper (Y12) submitted the winning designs. We couldn’t decide between the two so we put Daniel’s design on the front and Tommy’s on the back. Each student wins their own shirt that they can wear to school! I mean, who doesn’t want to look exactly like their favourite Science teacher? 

A good looking bunch...
Daniel Hooper and Tommy Cox
A good looking bunch...
Daniel Hooper and Tommy Cox

To celebrate Science Week, classes will be completing an interactive Science quiz during one of their weekly lessons. There will be a prize for the winning class in each year, so do your best everyone!


Also this week, Mrs Andruschak and Miss Lugg took Year 12 Biology to the Museum of Human Disease in Sydney. They learnt about heredity and the different types of infectious and non-infectious diseases. As you can see from the photo, it seems like it was a fun and informative day. 


I hope that wasn't a student...!
I hope that wasn't a student...!

Assessment Reminder

Week 5 sees a number of assessment tasks due for completion. Year 10’s Student Research Project was due at the end of Week 4, while in Week 5, the Semester 2 Examination, the Animal Biology Research Task and the Big Bang Theory Data Task are due for years 7, 8 and 9 respectively. Good luck to everyone!


To finish off, the Year 11 Chemistry class have studied the different allotropes of carbon. They used the molecular model kits to make models of the structure of diamond and graphite, but also the more exotic types, like carbon nanotubes and buckminsterfullerene (bucky balls for short). These are shown below. 

Y11 Chem with their carbon nanotube model.
A bucky ball of carbon.
Y11 Chem with their carbon nanotube model.
A bucky ball of carbon.

Stay Tuned

Keep an eye out for the next edition where we will let you know the winners of the Science Week quiz for each year and also the fun and exciting experiments we are doing here in Science.


Until next time!


Michael Latta