Brianna (Bee) is a positive and thoughtful student, who has participated in a variety of extracurricular activities this semester. Bee has taken part in the school band, where she recently played the flute in the Semester 1 Concert. She has also volunteered to take part in the State School Spectacular and has participated in five rehearsals with the HHS team in the lead up to the event. Bee was a key member of the interschool girls netball team, bringing a competitive focus and friendly demeanour to her team throughout the day. She volunteered her time at Open Night to speak to the audience about her experience of Year 7. This semester, Bee has received an impressive 21 Green Chronicles from her teachers. On top of all of this, she has also been a regular attendee at the Art Club which is run in the Art Factory at lunch times. Bee, you have made a fantastic start to Year 7. Well done! 


Ella has proven herself to be a consistent and dedicated student throughout semester 1. She has received a total of 41 Green Chronicle so far this year with many of them commenting on her focus and commitment within classes. Her numerous A+ results within her Common Assessment Tasks show further evidence of her desire to do her best and constantly seek and apply feedback from her teachers. In addition to this, staff often comment on Ella's polite and friendly demeanour, which is also a reason she was selected as a student ambassador for our Open Night early in Term 2. Ella was nominated for 'excellence' by almost every one of her teachers in semester 1. Well done Ella! You are a very impressive student. 



Scarlett has been nominated as a STAR for maintaining a diligent approach to her studies. Even while unwell, she managed to stay up-to-date with her coursework and assessments. She made excellent use of the conferencing process to complete the 'workshopped' section of her English SAC and managed her time well to prioritise assessments for each of her subjects. Scarlett has done an outstanding job as a House Captain for Yarra, proactively advertising positive school initiatives and role modelling the school values. She volunteered her time as a student ambassador at our Open Night and at the Victorian Aboriginal Remembrance Service. Scarlett has also received an impressive 13 Green Chronicles this semester and has been recognised by staff for regularly attending 'Maths Help' afterschool and using the study centre purposefully and productively. Well done Scarlett!