
Science Term 2 

This term at Healesville High School has been a whirlwind of scientific discovery and hands-on learning across all year levels. Our students have delved into diverse and fascinating topics, honing their practical skills and deepening their understanding of key scientific concepts. 


Year 10: Chemistry in Action 

The Year 10 cohort has been immersed in the world of chemistry, focusing on the periodic table and different reaction types. This challenging yet rewarding unit culminated in a problem-solving practical where students were tasked with identifying an unknown solution by applying their knowledge of chemical reactions and solubility rules. The exercise required critical thinking and careful observation, as students mixed various solutions to observe the formation of precipitates. This practical not only reinforced their theoretical knowledge but also gave them a taste of real-world chemical analysis, laying a foundation for future studies in science. 


Year 9: Shedding Light on Electricity 

Year 9 students have been electrified by their study of electricity, wrapping up the topic with some innovative and illuminating experiments. One of the highlights was the hands-on activity where students made a light globe using a graphite pencil lead. This creative experiment allowed them to explore the principles of electrical conductivity and resistance in a tangible way. Watching their homemade bulbs light up was a moment of triumph and curiosity, sparking further interest in the wonders of electrical science. 


Year 8: Journey Through the Body 

Earlier in the term, Year 8 students embarked on a fascinating exploration of human body systems. One particularly memorable activity was the 'Gums to Bums' demonstration, a vivid and engaging portrayal of the digestive process. This graphic demonstration walked students through the journey of food from ingestion to excretion, highlighting the intricate functions of various digestive organs. The interactive nature of the presentation captivated the students, making complex biological processes both understandable and memorable.


Year 7: Separating Success 

Our youngest high school scientists in Year 7 have been busy investigating different separation techniques. The Mixtures unit exposed students to a variety of methods used to separate mixtures, such as filtration, evaporation, and chromatography. Through hands-on experiments, students learned how to apply these techniques to solve practical problems.