Art and Technology 

The year so far.....

This semester, our students from junior to senior school have delved deep into various artistic techniques and themes, uncovering hidden talents, and expanding their creative horizons. From exploring colour use to experimenting with clay, each artwork is an authentication to their growth and imagination this term.  


Our recent Adobe workshop day that was presented by Dr. Tim Kitchen from Adobe was a very enriching experience for our students across the school, students gained a deeper knowledge of Photoshop and the new AI aspects of the software. A big thankyou to Mrs Hoogenraad for organising the amazing event. Staff also walked away with new insights and inspiration in working with this software in our arts curriculum. 


In a culmination of creativity and craftsmanship, our Year 9 art students have concluded the term with impressive achievements in dry needle felting, coil basket weaving and raffia sculpture. Through trial and error, they embraced the creative process, learning resilience and problem-solving as they transformed raw materials into works of art. To celebrate their achievements, they went and saw the Top Arts exhibition at the NGV to look and reflect on outstanding achievements in VCE.  


Classes in the arts and technology area have been full of atmosphere with paintings, sculptures, digital art, and mixed media pieces that reflected the unique voices of our young artists in our community. Mr Darlison’s woodwork class has created one off unique wood crafted pieces. The food team have been busily cooking up a storm and what a great place to enjoy good food and to keep warm as winter begins to set in. 


The VCE Media and Artmaking students are onto refining and then finalising their individual pieces of creativity that will be showcased at the end of year exhibition. Mrs Dennis and I, are looking forward to watching the evolution of each students work come to its final exhibiting stage.  


Looking ahead to term three, in preparing for the end of year exhibition, we are looking for all interested students to create a poster or flyer based on this year’s theme of flight. The winner’s poster will be used to advertise and promote the term four Art Factory Exhibition - students are encouraged to submit a design for the competition. There will be significant prizes to be won, look out for further information on Compass and other social media platforms.  


A big reminder that Art Factory is open Tuesdays and Fridays during lunch time in term three, come down and create some art and keep warm and make some amazing memories in the process.  


This quote goes out to all our creators at Healesville High “The more I draw and write, the more I realise that accidents are a necessary part of any creative act, much more so than logic or wisdom. Sometimes a mistake is the only way of arriving at an original concept, and the history of successful inventions is full of mishaps, serendipity and unintended results.”  - Shaun Tan, Australian artist and writer