Sport & Athletics

Across term two, there have been many interschool sport highlights. Students have once again taken up the opportunities on offer and given their all to the competitions they have been a part of. 


Some of the highlights have included:


  • District Cross Country - with Amelia Stevenson coming first for the 20 year old females.
  • Year 7 boys netball - with each of the boys taking part in the sport for the first time. 
  • Senior girls football - with a challenging and competitive game against Lilydale High.
  • Senior boys soccer - after winning the first game 8-5 the final was a tighter affair, with the boys losing in a close 2-1 game. 
  • Intermediate badminton - much fun and competition enjoyed by all. 
  • Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country - Bryce Granger, Lucas Regan and Abby Galt competed and all ran well with times of: 13:36, 14:15 and 17:26 respectively.