Year 8 Update

Term 2 has seen Year 8 venture down to Phillip Island where they spent three days participating in activities and exploring Phillip Island’s surrounding environments. Students were treated to three days of fantastic weather which included a perfect sunny morning session for surfing. For many students this was their first time attempting to surf, many of whom thoroughly enjoyed being out on the water and learning to stand up during their first lesson. Other activity highlights were visiting the penguins on the first night and the mini golf at Grumpy’s. Thanks to Julian Holland, Mary Toney and Nikita Aldridge for giving up their time to spend with the Years 8’s!


Unfortunately, due to school camp, Year 8 missed out on the school’s interschool sports for term two. They are really excited to field teams and compete in the term three competitions.

In Health Education, we were lucky enough to have two sessions with our school nurse, who ran presentations about the importance of nutrition, hydration and rest for the adolescent body, as well as the importance of oral hygiene. Both sessions were extremely informative and tied in with our topics in semester one.

There has been some very high quality work completed this semester by Years 8’s, Enjoy the term two break, stay safe and come back ready to ‘do better’ in semester two!